1 Introducing Nuts

nuts is a powerful and versatile open-source package manager designed to simplify software dependency management and enhance development workflows across a wide range of projects. Whether you're working on a small personal project or a large-scale enterprise application, nuts offers a streamlined and efficient way to manage libraries, tools, and dependencies, enabling you to focus on building and innovating. With its intuitive interface and robust features, nuts supports seamless integration into existing workflows, providing flexibility and scalability for developers of all levels. Basically, it is what npm is for Javascript and pip for Python. However, nuts presents several unique features that make it suitable for other technologies as well. This documentation is your gateway to understanding and utilizing the full potential of nuts, covering everything from installation and basic setup to advanced usage patterns and customization options. For additional resources, detailed guides, and further insights into how Nuts can empower your development process, visit this link. Let’s dive in and explore what makes nuts a game-changer for modern development!

1.1 Java Package Manager

nuts stands for Network Updatable Things Services tool and is a portable package manager for java (mainly) that handles remote artifacts, installs these artifacts to the current machine and executes such artifacts on need.

nuts solves the fatjar problem delegating the dependency resolution to the time when the application is to be executed and simplifies the packaging process while being transparent to the build process. Actually, nuts uses maven pom descriptors to resolve dependencies when the artifact is installed on the target machine, and it can use also other types of descriptors for other types of packages.

nuts artifacts are stored into repositories. A repository may be local for storing local artifacts or remote for accessing remote artifacts (good examples are remote maven repositories). It may also be a proxy repository so that remote artifacts are fetched and cached locally to save network resources.

One manages a set of repositories called a workspace (like virtualenv in pip). Managed nuts (artifacts) have descriptors that depicts dependencies between them. This dependency is seamlessly handled by nuts (tool) to resolve and download on-need dependencies over the wire.

nuts is a swiss army knife tool as it acts like (and supports) maven build tool to have an abstract view of the artifacts dependency and like npm and pip language package managers to install and uninstall artifacts allowing multiple versions of the very same artifact to be installed. nuts is not exclusive for Java/Scala/Kotlin and other Java Platform Languages, by design it supports multiple artifact formats other than jars and wars and is able to select the appropriate artifacts and dependencies according to the current OS, architecture and even Desktop Environment.

nuts common verbs are:

  • exec : execute an artifact or a command

  • which : detect the proper artifact or system command to execute

  • install, uninstall : install/uninstall an artifact (using its fetched/deployed installer)

  • update,check-updates : search for updates

  • deploy, undeploy : manage artifacts (artifact installers) on the local repositories

  • fetch, push : download from, upload to remote repositories

  • search : search for existing/installable artifacts

  • welcome : a command that does nothing but bootstrapping nuts and showing a welcome message.

1.2 Nuts and Maven

You'd still be Maven, yet you gonna be Nuts

Is there any package manager for Java(TM) applications? You can google for it and you will find that many have queried this on blogs and forums. In most cases responses point to maven and gradle, the tremendous build tools. However, both maven and gradle are build tools, while helping build packages they lack of deployment features. They bundle every dependency in every package (think of wars, ears and standalone jars). They do not handle installation or upgrading. Apache ivy, as well, while competing with maven build tool does not provide more than transitive dependency management. The main idea behind a package manager is the automation of installation, update, configuration and removal of programs or libraries in a coherent manner with the help of a database that manages binaries and metadata. maven, to consider one, sticks to the build process, an goes no further. You may also ask, "Why ever, do we need a package manager for Java(TM) applications". Okkay, let's take some example of Java(TM) applications. How can we install apache netbeans IDE ? The proper way is to browse to the editor's website, select the proper mirror if applicable, download the archive, uncompress it, chmod the main binary (i'm a linux guy) and adjust PATH environment variable to point to this binary; Quite a pain. What do we do to update it now? Hopefully, the IDE has a solid plugin architecture and an in-app update/upgrade tool that will help the process (in a gui manner of course). The same applies to eclipse and apache tomcat with the exception that apache tomcat does not even bundle an in-app update tool. The same applies too when dealing with other operating systems (Windows, MacOS, ...). Managing Java(TM) applications is far from helpful. Furthermore, as Java(TM) applications are (usually) not bundled in OS-aware installers, you will end up with a spaguetty home directory with applications installed all over your partitions, which - simply - does not mix up with all the work OS-developers have done to separate logs from data, from temporary files, from binaries, etc. Each application will handle it's files in a very specific manner that would make it hard to manage own's disk (automatic archive/backup/restore) or roaming applications across machines, etc. Moreover, in a world of containers and devops, deployments of Java(TM) applications need to be automatable and reproducible with the highest level of simplicity, configurability and integrability. Installing tomcat on a custom port should not not be as painful as using a custom Docker image or a complicated Dockerfile or even a custom apache tomcat bundle.

When we recall that Java(TM) is the one language that has the more versatile number of libraries, frameworks and tools, I find it annoying not to have a decent package manager to make the leap and provide facilities I find prime in other languages and platforms (pip/python, npm/nodejs/javascript) and most of linux distribution (zypper/opensuse, dnf/redhat apt-get/debian/ubuntu)

Hence I'm introducing here a humble attempt to provide a tiny (300ko) yet powerful package manager for Java(TM) applications (but not only) that should handle jar files seamlessly (with little or no modification) and that comes with a set of portable tools that makes this management at a higher level. I'm not talking about redefining the wheel. I'm aware that many tools such as maven, are already very good at what they do, I just needed to make the leap for deployments. You will be able to deploy your applications without bundling all of their dependencies : nuts will take care of that.

So you'd still be maven, yet you gonna be nuts.

Nuts Package manager

nuts is actually :

  • a transitive dependency resolution manager
  • a package manager (backports maven and supports maven repositories)
  • an automation tool
  • a feature rich toolset
  • an application framework
  • decentralized
  • sandbox based

Transitive dependency resolution manager

nuts calculates transitive dependencies of an application to resolve other packages to download at install or update/upgrade time. So typically, deployed applications should no more bundle their dependencies within the deployed archive. Thus we avoid the annoying fat jars (using maven plugins like 'maven-assembly-plugin' and 'maven-shade-plugin') and lib folders (using 'maven-dependency-plugin'). It will also reuse dependencies and packages across multiple installed applications and hence save disk space, and network bandwidth.

All what nuts needs is a descriptor file withing the jar file that defines the immediate dependencies. It then calculates all transitive dependencies automatically. And guess what, all maven built jars already contain that descriptor : the pom.xml file. So basically all maven applications are already nuts aware applications.

Package manager

nuts uses this dependency resolution to help install, update, remove and search for applications. To be able to use an application, it has to be installed and configured with all of its dependencies. This is the main goal of nuts. When we ask to install tomcat, for instance, it will search for the best version in registered repositories, download it, and configure it to be ready for execution. The best version is not always the the latest one. Actually it would be the latest valid one, thus the latest one that matches some constraints. Constraints include the version of the running java (tomcat 8 works on java 7 but not 6 for instance), the running operating system (windows, linux, ... to help selecting the proper binaries), may be the hardware architecture or even the operating distribution (for linux based systems). Constraints will filter the search result to include the best, the most accurate version to install. Installation also would configure the installed application and even may run another artifact to help this configuration.

nuts also handles search for newer versions and update the installed application at request. Updating a software does not necessarily delete the older version. Both version can coexist and it is up to the user the decide whether or not to retain both versions. Indeed, one of the key features of nuts is the ability to install and hence run multiple versions of the same software in parallel. You would never see an error message telling you can't install that software because a dependency of it is installed with different version. All software and all libraries can coexist peacefully.

Software artifacts are stored in repositories. nuts can handle multiple repositories, remote and local ones. Installed software are stored in special local repositories. Supported repositories include maven repositories and github repositories. Actually a fresh installation of nuts is configured with maven central repository so that, you already have access to thousands of installable artifacts.

At some point, you may need to uninstall an artifact and that's to undo the artifact installation. Installation will help you choose between uninstalling binaries only and keeping data/config files or remove permanently all of the artifact files. In all ways, uninstalling will not affect other artifacts that use the same dependencies if ever.

Feature rich Toolset

nuts is intended to be used either by human users or by robots and other applications. It comes with portable, feature rich toolset, a versatile library and a handy parsable result.

nuts is mainly a commandline program that helps installing, uninstalling, searching, updating and running artifacts. To help desktop integration, nuts installs by default a set of other companion tools such as nsh (a portable bash-compatible implementation), and nadmin (an administration tool for nuts to configure users, authorizations, repositories, create scripts,...);

nsh brings the bash facilities to all environments (windows included) in a very portable manner. Besides it integrates well with the installed nuts version. Several common commands are ported to nsh such as cat,head, and ssh, as well as core features like pipes, redirection and scripts.

nadmin is intended for configuring nuts workspaces, managing repositories and users. It helps also configuring sub commands and aliases to make nuts usage even easier.

Nuts Workspaces

One of the key features of nuts is the ability to support multiple isolated workspaces, each managing it's own repositories, applications and libraries; each defining it's sandbox security constraints. Thus non-root installation is made easy while it remains possible to overlap between workspaces by sharing repositories. Roaming is also supported, so that a workspaces can be copied/moved across machines.

Application Framework

nuts can also be embedded as a library in you application. This enables you to wire classes on the fly by its network dependency-aware classloading mechanisms. The library allows as well building solid and well integrated applications, mainly console applications. Indeed, nuts comes with rich outputs that support automatic formatting to json, xml, table, tree and plain texts. It handles standard File Systems layouts; XDG Base Directory Specification is implemented for linux and MacOS. A compatible one is also implemented in Windows systems. And of course, it helps seamlessly install, update and remove events.

Nuts ? Really ?

In every palace you will find the wizard and the fool, the maven and the nuts; There's no exception in the java kingdom! If you do prefer acronyms here is another reason : nuts stands for Network Updatable Things Services. It should be able to facilitate things deployment and update over the wire where things resolve here to any piece of software depending (or not) on other piece of software.

1.3 First example

Let's start the journey

Get started by running your first application. Nuts is not a build tool (like maven and gradle). Nuts is more likely to be compared with nodejs npm or python's pip

It consists mainly of a commandline application that is used to install, uninstall and run other java applications in a smooth elegant way.

What you'll need

  • java compatible operating system including [Linux],[Windows] and [MacOS]

  • java version 1.8 or above. JRE is sufficient, JDK allows you to do more with nuts

Let's check that java is installed :

java --version

But in the following example, I am assuming you are using a Linux distribution et MacOS. If you are using Windows please refer to the installation section.

Installing and Running Nuts

We start by opening a new terminal (term, konsole or whatever you prefer) then download nuts using this command : On linux/MacOS system we issue :

curl -sL https://thevpc.net/nuts/nuts-stable.jar -o nuts.jar && java -jar nuts.jar -Zy
You can type this command into Command Prompt, Powershell, Terminal, or any other integrated terminal of your code editor. The command also installs all necessary dependencies you need to run Docusaurus.

We used the flags -y to auto-confirm and -z to ignore cached binaries (combined here as -zy). These flags are optional and are used here to demonstrate some of Nuts' available options. The installation process may take several minutes, as it involves downloading all required dependencies, companions, and tools.

You should then see this message

Welcome to nuts. Yeah, it is working...

nuts is well installed, just restart your terminal.

Now we will install jedit, a tremendous underrated text editor. So in your terminal type:

nuts install org.jedit:jedit
Let's run jedit now

nuts jedit

As you can see, simple commands are all you need to download, install, configure and run jedit or any java application that is deployed in the maven repository.

So please visit nuts website or github repository for more information.

1.4 License

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. Copyright (C) 2016-2022 thevpc

1.5 Other Resources

To help you get started and explore its capabilities, we've compiled a selection of resources, including comprehensive documentation, technical presentations, and detailed PDF guides. These materials cover everything from installation and configuration to advanced usage scenarios, ensuring you have all the information needed to make the most of Nuts. Below, you’ll find a curated list of links to these resources for easy access:

1.6 Running Nuts

In this section we will consider the simplest usage of nuts package manager.

Running a deployed artifact

You can run any jar using nuts as far as the jar is accessible from one of the supported repositories. By default, nuts supports:

  • maven central
  • local maven folder (~/.m2)
You can configure other repositories or even implement your own if you need to. The jar will be parsed to check form maven descriptor so that dependencies will be resolved and downloaded on the fly. Then, all executable classes (public with static void main method) are enumerated. You can actually run any of them when prompted. Any jar built using maven should be well described and can be run using its artifact long id.

Artifact Long Ids

nuts long ids are a string representation of a unique identifier of the artifact. It has the following form :


for instance, to install (and run) netbeans-launcher (which is a simple UI helping launch of multiple instances of netbeans), you can issue

  nuts net.thevpc.app:netbeans-launcher#1.2.2
You do agree that this can be of some cumbersome to type. So you can simplify it to :

  nuts netbeans-launcher

In this form, nuts will auto-detect both the groupId and the version. The group id is detected if it is already imported (we will see later how to import a groupId). By default, there is a couple of groupIds that are automatically imported :

  • .thevpc (contains various applications of the author)

  • .thevpc.nuts.toolbox (contains various companion tools of nuts, such as nsh, ...)

And it turns out, hopefully, that netbeans-launcher belongs to an imported groupId, so we can omit it. Besides, if no version is provided, nuts will also auto-detect the best version to execute. If the application is already installed, the version you choose to install will be resolved. If you have not installed any, the most recent version, obviously, will be detected for you.

Artifact Installation

Any java application can run using nuts but it has to be installed first. If you try to run the application before installing it, you will be prompted to confirm installation. To install our favorite application here we could have issued :

  nuts install netbeans-launcher
But as we have tried to run the application first, it has been installed for us (after confirmation).

Multiple Artifact version Installation

One of the key features of nuts is the ability to install multiple versions of the same application. We can for instance type :

  nuts install netbeans-launcher#1.2.2
  # then
  nuts install netbeans-launcher#1.2.0
Now we have two versions installed, the last one always is considered default one. you can run either, using it's version

  nuts netbeans-launcher#1.2.2 &
  # or
  nuts netbeans-launcher#1.2.0 &
Actually, when you have many versions installed for the same artifact and you try to run it without specifying the version, the last one installed will be considered. To be more precise, an artifact has a default version when it is installed. This default version is considered when no explicit version is typed. In our example, when we type

  nuts netbeans-launcher &
the 1.2.0 version will be invoked because the artifact is already installed and the default version points to the last one installed. So if you want to switch back to version 1.2.2 you just have to re-install it. Don't worry, no file will be downloaded again, nuts will detect that the version is not marked as default and will switch it to.

Searching artifacts

Now let's take a look at installed artifacts. We will type :

  nuts search --installed
This will list all installed artifacts. We can get a better listing using long format :

  nuts search --installed -l
you will see something like

I-X 2019-08-21 04:54:22.951 anonymous vpc-public-maven net.thevpc.app:netbeans-launcher#1.2.0
i-X 2019-08-21 04:54:05.196 anonymous vpc-public-maven net.thevpc.app:netbeans-launcher#1.2.2

The first column here is a the artifact status that helps getting zipped information of the artifact. the 'I' stands for 'installed and default' whereas, 'i' is simply 'installed'. The 'X' stands for 'executable application', where 'x' is simply 'executable'. Roughly said, executable applications are executables aware of (or depends on) nuts, as they provide a special api that helps nuts to get more information and more features for the application. As an example, executable applications have special OnInstall and OnUninstall hooks called by nuts. The second and the third columns are date and time of installation. The fourth column points to the installation user. When Secure mode has not been enabled (which is the default), you are running nuts as 'anonymous'. The fifth column shows the repository from which the package was installed. And the last column depicts the artifact long id.

Running local jar file with its dependencies

Let's suppose that my-app.jar is a maven created jar (contains META-INF/maven files) with a number of dependencies. nuts is able to download on the fly needed dependencies, detect the Main class (no need for MANIFEST.MF) and run the application. If a Main-Class Attribute was detected in a valid MANIFEST.MF, il will be considered. If more than one class is detected with a main method, nuts will ask for the current class to run.

When you run a local file, nuts will behave as if the app is installed (in the given path, an no need to invoke install command). Local files are detected if they are denoted by a valid path (containing '/' or '' depending on the underlying operating system). Dependencies will be downloaded as well (and cached in the workspace)

nuts ./my-app.jar some-argument-of-my-app
If you need to pass JVM arguments you have to prefix them with "--exec". So if you want to fix maximum heap size use

nuts --exec -Xms1G -Xmx2G ./my-app.jar argument-1 argument-2

2 Installation

nuts is a package manager for the Java Platform. Basically, it is what npm is for Javascript and pip for Python. However, nuts presents several concepts that make it suitable for other technologies as well.

2.1 Personal Use (Default)

This is mostly the recommanded installation mode if you are not sure what mode suits you the best. Preview mode helps you using the most uptodate/bug free version and with newest features as well. Installation of nuts for preview/test/evaluation or simply for personal use is based on a rolling nuts binaries version that is released a faster pace than the production version (generally a semi-monthly schedule). Versions are not rock solid but still they are "very" usable and more importantly they include all latest features. Preview releases are deployed to a development repository and hence are made accessible using a repository swith option.

System Requirements

Here are all nuts requirements :

  • Java : nuts requires a valid Java Runtime Environment (JRE) or Java Development Kit (JDK) version 8 or above to execute. Please note that you need to update your 1.8 version to the latest update (update 150+)

  • System Memory: nuts memory footprint is very little and has no minimum RAM requirements.

  • Disk: 5Mo on the disk are required for the nuts installation itself. In addition to that, additional disk space will be used for your local Nuts workspace. The size of your local workspace will vary depending on usage but expect at least 500MB.

  • Operating System: nuts is able to run on any java enabled Operating System including all recent versions of Windows, Linux and MacOS.

To check if you have a valid java installation type

java -version
The result would be equivalent to the following. Just be sure the version is 1.8 or over. In this example, the java version is 1.8.0_211

$ java -version
java version "1.8.0_211"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_211-b12)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.211-b12, mixed mode)


download nuts-preview.jar

java -jar nuts-preview.jar -Zy
On Windows systems, first launch will create a new nuts Menu (under Programs) and a couple of Desktop shortcuts to launch a configured command terminal. - nuts-cmd-0.8.5 : this shortcut will open a configured command terminal. nuts command will be available as well as several nuts companion tools installed by nadmin by default - nuts-cmd : this shortcut will point to the last installed nuts version, here 0.8.5 Any of these shortcuts will launch a nuts-aware terminal. Supported Windows systems include Window 7 and later.
Any of the created shortcuts for windows is a nuts-aware terminal.
for testing or development (using curl): This will reset/delete any previous nuts installation before installing the latest version. Removing the Z modifier (replace -Zy by -y ) flag if you do not want to reset the workspace.

$ curl -sL https://thevpc.net/nuts/nuts-preview.jar -o nuts.jar && java -jar nuts.jar -ZyS
$ exit
Linux Systems installation is based on bash shell. First launch will configure "~/.bashrc" so that nuts and other companion tool commands will be available in any future terminal instances. Using nuts on unix-like system should be seamless. A simple bash terminal (Gnome Terminal, KDE Konsole,...) is already a nuts-aware terminal. All Linux versions and distributions should work with or without X Window (or equivalent). Graphical system is required only if you plan to run a gui application using nuts . All tests where performed on OpenSuse Tumbleweed.
Any bash terminal application is a nuts-aware terminal.

$ curl -sL https://thevpc.net/nuts/nuts-preview.jar -o nuts.jar
$ java -jar nuts.jar -Zy
$ exit
MacOS Systems installation is based on zsh shell. First launch will configure "~/.zshrc" so that nuts and other companion tool commands will be available in any future terminal instances. Using nuts on MacOS system should be seamless. A simple bash terminal (MacOs Terminal App) is already a nuts-aware terminal.
Any bash terminal application is a nuts-aware terminal.

$ wget https://thevpc.net/nuts/nuts-preview.jar -qO nuts.jar
$ java -jar nuts.jar -Zy
$ exit
Any bash terminal application is a nuts-aware terminal.

$ curl -sL https://thevpc.net/nuts/nuts-preview.jar -o nuts.jar
$ java -jar nuts.jar -Zy
$ exit
Any bash terminal application is a nuts-aware terminal.
Yous should then see some log like the following :


As you can see, installation upon first launch, will also trigger installation of other optional programs called "companion tools". The main recommended helpful is nsh (stands for Nuts Shell), is a bash compatible shell implementation application that will run equally on linux and windows systems.

After installation, you need to restart the terminal application for the configuration to take effect.

Test Installation

To test installation the simplest way is to open a nuts-aware terminal and type :

nuts --version
It should show a result in the format : nuts-api-version/nuts-impl-version


Run a command

To run a command using nuts just type

nuts <command>
Several commands are available, and you can always manually run any java and non java application.

2.2 Production Use

Installation of nuts in production is based on stable nuts binaries that are released according to a semi-annual schedule. Stable versions are deployed to maven-central and hence are made accessible very easily to all users. Releases include most of the time updates to the core nuts api (and bootstrap). Update/Fix releases can occur to fix blocking/serious/security issues is faster pace.

System Requirements

Here are all nuts requirements :

  • Java : nuts requires a valid Java Runtime Environment (JRE) or Java Development Kit (JDK) version 8 or above to execute. Please note that you need to update your 1.8 version to the latest update (update 150+)

  • System Memory: nuts memory footprint is very little and has no minimum RAM requirements.

  • Disk: 5Mo on the disk are required for the nuts installation itself. In addition to that, additional disk space will be used for your local Nuts workspace. The size of your local workspace will vary depending on usage but expect at least 500MB.

  • Operating System: nuts is able to run on any java enabled Operating System including all recent versions of Windows, Linux and MacOS.

To check if you have a valid java installation type

java -version
The result would be equivalent to the following. Just be sure the version is 1.8 or over. In this example, the java version is 1.8.0_211

$> java -version
java version "1.8.0_211"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_211-b12)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.211-b12, mixed mode)


download nuts-0.8.5.jar

java -jar nuts-0.8.5.jar  -Zy
On Windows systems, first launch will create a new nuts Menu (under Programs) and a couple of Desktop shortcuts to launch a configured command terminal. - nuts-cmd-0.8.5 : this shortcut will open a configured command terminal. nuts command will be available as well as several nuts companion tools installed by nadmin by default - nuts-cmd : this shortcut will point to the last installed nuts version, here 0.8.5 Any of these shortcuts will launch a nuts-aware terminal. Supported Windows systems include Window 7 and later.
Any of the created shortcuts for windows is a nuts-aware terminal.
for production (using wget): This will reset/delete any previous nuts installation before installing the latest version. Removing the Z modifier (replace -Zy by -y ) flag if you do not want to reset the workspace.

$ wget https://thevpc.net/nuts/nuts-stable.jar -o nuts.jar
$ java -jar nuts.jar -Zy
$ exit
for production (using curl): This will reset/delete any previous nuts installation before installing the latest version. Removing the Z modifier (replace -Zy by -y ) flag if you do not want to reset the workspace.

$ curl -sL https://thevpc.net/nuts/nuts-stable.jar -o nuts.jar
$ java -jar nuts.jar -Zy
$ exit
Linux Systems installation is based on bash shell. First launch will configure "~/.bashrc" so that nuts and other companion tool commands will be available in any future terminal instances. Note that shells are also supported and the relative rcfiles are also updated (including zsh , fish etc) Using nuts on unix-like system should be seamless. A simple bash terminal (Gnome Terminal, KDE Konsole,...) is already a nuts-aware terminal. All Linux versions and distributions should work with or without X Window (or equivalent). Graphical system is required only if you plan to run a gui application using nuts . All tests where performed on OpenSuse Tumbleweed.
Any bash terminal application is a nuts-aware terminal.

$ curl -sL https://thevpc.net/nuts/nuts-stable.jar -o nuts.jar
$ java -jar nuts.jar -Zy
$ exit
MacOS Systems installation is based on zsh shell. First launch will configure "~/.zshrc" so that nuts and other companion tool commands will be available in any future terminal instances. Using nuts on MacOS system should be seamless. A simple bash terminal (MacOs Terminal App) is already a nuts-aware terminal.
Any bash terminal application is a nuts-aware terminal.

  $ wget https://thevpc.net/nuts/nuts-stable.jar -o nuts.jar
  $  java -jar nuts.jar -y
Any bash terminal application is a nuts-aware terminal.

$ curl -sL https://thevpc.net/nuts/nuts-stable.jar -o nuts.jar
$ java -jar nuts.jar -Zy
$ exit
Any bash terminal application is a nuts-aware terminal.
Yous should then see some log like the following :


As you can see, installation upon first launch, will also trigger installation of other optional programs called "companion tools". The main recommended helpful is nsh (stands for Nuts Shell), is a bash compatible shell implementation application that will run equally on linux and windows systems.

After installation, you need to restart the terminal application for the configuration to take effect.

Test Installation

To test installation the simplest way is to open a nuts-aware terminal and type :

nuts --version
It should show a result in the format : nuts-api-version/nuts-impl-version


Run a command

To run a command using nuts just type

nuts <command>
Several commands are available, and you can always manually run any java and non java application.

2.3 GUI Installation

GUI Installation

You can install nuts using a gui installer. Multiple targets are available. You may select a portable installer (a jar that you can double click as far as you have a valid java+ runtime installed and configured in your environment). You may also want to select a native image for the installer; you only need to download and run.


Once you launch the installer, you will be prompted first to select your favourite look : light mode or dark mode. This will customize the look of all the remaining steps.


Then, a description message is shown.


In the next step, you are asked to accept the OSS licence.


nuts comes with a dual version, stable and preview. Stable version is recommended in most cases. But if you want to take advantage of new features not yet released you may want to install the preview version.


The installer will even prompt you for selecting extra java applications you may want to install along with nuts. The only recommended apps are already selected and marked as Companions. This includes mostly nsh, a bash compatible implementation in Java.


Then, you may want to tune some nuts options. Please note that by default, any existing workspace will be erased. So if you want to preserve you older installation, deselect "Reset Workspace (-Z)". "Verbose" and "Log file" are also good options to consider if some thing odd occurs during the installation process. This will leverage more debug messages to be printed and stored to log files you attach when contacting the dev team.


Now the effective installation starts. You will see the progress in a colourful terminal.


And voilà! you now have reached the installation end. Just click on Exit.


If you check your system menu, you will notice some new icons, including a nuts aware terminal. On Linux and MacOs, you do not need such menu to run you favorite nuts command though. The Installer has already configured your shell rc files to include nuts in the execution PATH env variable.

Here is and example af your menu when using Enlightenment Desktop Environment on Linux


Dark Mode

You may have chosen the Dark mode of course, and you would have crossed the following steps:










Your first commands

After installation, open any nuts aware terminal (on linux, any bash,zsh,fish,... terminal is ok).

$> nuts

$> nuts update

$> nuts search

$> nuts search 'net.thevpc.nuts.toolbox:*' --anywhere

$> nuts install org.jedit:jedit

$> nuts jedit

$> nuts install njob

$> nuts update njob
$> nuts install netbeans-launcher

$> nuts netbeans-launcher

2.4 Using Docker

Running nuts in a containerized environment

If you want to run nuts in a containerized docker environment without creating a Dockerfile, you would run the following commands:

on your bash terminal, type :

docker pull openjdk:8
docker run -it -v $(pwd):/workspace openjdk:8 sh
Now that you are in a container

cd /workspace
wget https://thevpc.net/nuts/nuts-preview.jar -qO nuts.jar
java -jar nuts.jar -y <your-app>...

As an example here where you can run net.thevpc.nuts.toolbox:noapi# on your config file myrest-apis.json.

noapi is actually an OpenAPI documentation tool that generates a pdf file based on a opn api definition in JSON, YAML or TSON formats.

cd /workspace
wget https://thevpc.net/nuts/nuts-preview.jar -qO nuts.jar
java -jar nuts.jar -P=%s -ZyS net.thevpc.nuts.toolbox:noapi# myrest-apis.json

Creating your app Dockerfile

If you are willing to deploy your application in a docker isolated environment you can use this example pf Dockerfile

FROM openjdk:8
RUN wget https://thevpc.net/nuts/nuts-preview.jar -qO nuts.jar
RUN java -jar nuts.jar -Zy install <your application>
CMD java -jar nuts.jar -y <your application>
docker run -it -v $(pwd):/workspace openjdk:8 sh
cd /workspace
wget https://thevpc.net/nuts/nuts-preview.jar -qO nuts.jar
java -jar nuts.jar -P=no -ZyS -r=+thevpc net.thevpc.nuts.toolbox:noapi# buat-insurance-connector.json

This is a docker file to run net.thevpc.nuts.toolbox:noapi an OpenAPI documentatation tool.

FROM openjdk:8
RUN wget https://thevpc.net/nuts/nuts-preview.jar -qO nuts.jar
RUN java -jar nuts.jar -Zy install net.thevpc.nuts.toolbox:noapi
CMD java -jar nuts.jar -y net.thevpc.nuts.toolbox:noapi

2.5 Troubleshooting

Whenever installation fails, it is more likely there is a mis-configuration or invalid libraries bundles used. You may have to options to circumvent this which are two levels or workspace reinitialization.

recover mode

recover mode will apply best efforts to correct configuration without losing them. It will delete all cached data and libraries for them to be downloaded later and searches for a valid nuts installation binaries to run (it will actually do a forced update). To run nuts in recover mode type :

nuts -z

newer mode

newer mode will apply best efforts to reload cached files and libraries. to run nuts in 'newer mode' type:

nuts -N

reset mode

reset mode will apply all efforts to correct configuration by, actually, deleting them (and all of workspace files!!) to create a new fresh workspace. This is quite a radical action to run. Do not ever invoke this unless your are really knowing what you are doing. To run nuts in reset mode type :

nuts -Z

hard-reset mode

hard-reset mode will delete all nuts configuration files including all workspaces. This is quite a radical action to run. Do not ever invoke this unless your are really knowing what you are doing. To run nuts in reset mode type :

nuts --hard-reset

kill mode

kill mode is a special variant of reset mode where workspace will not be recreated after deletion. This can be achieved by using a combination of reset mode and --skip-boot (-Q) option. Do not ever invoke it unless you are really knowing what you are doing. To run nuts in kill mode type :

To run nuts in kill mode type :

nuts -ZQ
To can run hard-reset in kill mode too :

nuts -Q --hard-reset

After invoking reset mode

After invoking reset mode, nuts shell launchers (installed by nuts settings) will not be available anymore. PATH environment will point (temporarily) to a non existing folder. You should use the jar based invocation at least once to reinstall these commands.

java -jar nuts.jar

3 Nuts Concepts

Nuts Concepts

nuts introduces a set of unique concepts that are important to leverage. These concepts are mainly introduced for portability and repeatability.

3.1 Aliases, Imports & Launchers

Aliases, Imports and launchers, are three features in nuts where you can call artifacts with a simple word instead of using the full id. Indeed, usually, artifacts are uniquely identified by groupId, artifactId, version and classifier (whenever applicable). This is kind of cumbersome if most of the cases:

nuts net.thevpc.toolbox.nsh:nsh#


Imports help you discard groupId and call/install artifacts using only artifactId. You can as an example import 'com.my-company' and as a result any artifact under 'com.mycompany' is resolved automatically. Actually 'com.my-company:my-app' and 'com.my-company.my-app:my-app' are

nuts net.thevpc.toolbox.nsh:nsh#
# becomes
nuts settings add import net.thevpc.toolbox
# now call it simply with
nuts nsh#
# or even simpler with
nuts nsh
As a matter of fact, there are a couple of imports automatically defined 'net.thevpc' and 'net.thevpc.toolbox'


Aliases help you define your own command by calling existing artifacts and defining some arguments as well. It is very similar to shell aliases where you define ll as an alias to /bin/ls -l for example.

nuts net.thevpc.toolbox.nsh:nsh#
# becomes
nuts settings add alias ll='net.thevpc.toolbox.nsh:nsh# -c ls -l'
# now call it simply with
nuts ll


Launchers help you define your own system command by calling nuts with existing artifacts and even creating Desktop Environment Shortcuts and Icons (whenever GUI is applicable).

nuts net.thevpc.toolbox.nsh:nsh#
# becomes
nuts settings add launcher --menu --desktop 'net.thevpc.toolbox.nsh:nsh#'
# now call it simply click on the desktop icon or open via system menu

3.2 Automation

nuts has been designed and implemented with automation and devops philosophy in mind.

nuts Application Framework infrastructure provides a seamless support process automation with structured output, including json, xml, yaml, tson and so on. You can for instance call the POSIX ls command and get the file list as json. You can then process this json

and extract meaningful information and pass it to the next command using standard pipe mechanism. Think of this as a general pattern for any and all commands you can run via nuts. Besides, automation includes dynamic classloading of on-the-fly dependencies (remotely resolved and downloaded) to make usage of a feature you need such as installing a tomcat version that is compatible with the jre version you run. Automation requires also partitioning, isolation, sand-boxing, security reinforcements and portability. This is ensured by workspace feature that helps isolating the application dependencies from other applications, authentication and authorisation mechanisms to limit access to nuts configurations (and hence available repositories used for dependency resolution) and to system resources (running with or without elevated privileges) and finally environment adaptability to handle appropriate support for each architecture (x86_32,itanium_64,...), operating system (linux, windows,...), shell (bash, zsh,...), platform (java, dotnet, ...) and desktop environment.

Install Automation


Structured Output


Environment Sensitive


Multi Platform


Workspace Isolation


Security Mechanisms


3.3 Command Line Arguments

nuts supports a specific format for command line arguments. This format is the format supported in nuts Application Framework (NAF) and as such all NAF applications support the same command line arguments format. Arguments in nuts can be options or non options. Options always start with hyphen (-).

Short vs Long Options

Options can be long options (starts with double hyphen) or short options (start with a single hyphen). Many arguments support both forms. For instance "-w" and "--workspace" are the supported forms to define the workspace location in the nuts command.

Valued / Non-valued Options

Options can also support a value of type string or boolean. The value can be suffixed to the option while separated with '=' sign or immediately after the option. As an example, all are equivalent.

nuts -w=/myfolder/myworkspace
nuts -w /myfolder/myworkspace
nuts --workspace /myfolder/myworkspace
nuts --workspace=/myfolder/myworkspace
Of course, not all options can support values, an not all options neither support the suffixed and/or the non-suffixed mode. Please relate to the documentation of nuts or the application you are using to know how to use the options.

Boolean Options

Particularly, when the value is a boolean, the value do not need to be defined. As a result "--install-companions" and "--install-companions=true" are equivalent. However "--install-companions true" is not (because the option is of type boolean) and "true" will be parsed as a NonOption.

To define a "false" value to the boolean option we can either suffix with "=false" or prefix with "!" or "~" sign. Hence, "--install-companions=false", "--!install-companions" and "--~install-companions" are all equivalent. Note also that ~ if referred to ! because in bash shells (and som other shells) ! will be expanded in a special manner.

Combo Simple Options

Simple options can be grouped in a single word. "-ls" is equivalent to "-l -s". So one should be careful. One exception though. For portability reasons, "-version" is considered a single short option.

Ignoring Options, Comments

Options starting with "-//" and "--//" are simply ignored by the command line parser.

Nuts Option Types

Options in nuts are can be of one of the following categories :

  • Create Options : such options are only relevant when creating a new workspace. They define the configuration of the workspace to create. They will be ignored when the workspace already exists. They will be ignored too, in sub-processes. Examples include
    • --install-companions
    • --archetype
    • --store-strategy
    • --standalone
  • Runtime Options : such options are relevant when running a workspace (be it existing or to be created) and are not passed to sub-processes
    • --reset
    • --recover
    • --dry
    • --version
  • Exported Options : are passed to sub-nuts-processes that will be created by nuts. For instance when nuts will call the nsh command it will spawn a new process. In such case, these options are passed to the sub-process as environment variable.

    • --workspace
    • --global
    • --color
    • --bot
  • Executor Options : are options that are supported byte the package executor. Most of the time this will be the java executor and hence this coincides with the JVM options)
    • -Xmx...
    • -Xmx
    • -D...
  • Custom Nuts options : are special nuts options that are specific to nuts implementation or validation process to be promoted to standard options. The arguments parser will never report an error regarding such options. They are used when available and valid. they will be ignored in all other cases. Such options start with triple hyphen (---)

    • ---monitor.enabled
    • ---monitor.start
    • ---show-command
    • ---perf
    • ---init-platforms
    • ---init-scripts
    • ---init-java
    • ---system-desktop-launcher
    • ---system-menu-launcher
    • ---system-custom-launcher
  • Application Options : are options that are by default supported by Applications using NAF (Nuts Application Framework) (as well as Nuts it self).
    • --help
    • --version

all nuts options are described in the command help. Just type :

nuts --help

3.4 File system

nuts manages multiple workspaces. It has a default one located at ~/.config/nuts (~ is the user home directory). Each workspace handles a database and files related to the installed applications. The workspace has a specific layout to store different types of files relatives to your applications. nuts

is largely inspired by XDG Base Directory Specification and hence defines several store locations for each file type. Such organization of folders is called Layout and is dependent on the current operating system, the layout strategy and any custom configuration.

Store Locations

Supported Store Locations are :

nuts File System defines the following folders :

  • config : defines the base directory relative to which application specific configuration files should be stored.

  • apps : defines the base directory relative to which application executable binaries should be stored

  • lib : defines the base directory relative to which application non executable binaries should be stored

  • var : defines the base directory relative to which application specific data files (other than config) should be stored

  • log : defines the base directory relative to which application specific log and trace files should be stored

  • temp : defines the base directory relative to which application specific temporary files should be stored

  • cache : defines the base directory relative to which application non-essential data and binary files should be stored to optimize bandwidth or performance

  • run : defines the base directory relative to which application-specific non-essential runtime files and other file objects (such as sockets, named pipes, ...) should be stored

nuts defines such distinct folders (named Store Locations) for storing different types of application data according to your operating system.

On Windows Systems the default locations are :
  • apps : "$HOME/AppData/Roaming/nuts/apps"
  • lib : "$HOME/AppData/Roaming/nuts/lib"
  • config : "$HOME/AppData/Roaming/nuts/config"
  • var : "$HOME/AppData/Roaming/nuts/var"
  • log : "$HOME/AppData/Roaming/nuts/log"
  • temp : "$HOME/AppData/Local/nuts/temp"
  • cache : "$HOME/AppData/Local/nuts/cache"
  • run : "$HOME/AppData/Local/nuts/run"
On Linux, Unix, MacOS and any POSIX System the default locations are :
  • config : "$HOME/.config/nuts"
  • apps : "$HOME/.local/share/nuts/apps"
  • lib : "$HOME/.local/share/nuts/lib"
  • var : "$HOME/.local/share/nuts/var"
  • log : "$HOME/.local/log/nuts"
  • cache : "$HOME/.cache/nuts"
  • temp : "$java.io.tmpdir/$username/nuts"
  • run : "/run/user/$USER_ID/nuts"
As an example, the configuration folder for the artifact net.thevpc.app:netbeans-launcher#1.2.4 in the default workspace in a Linux environment is

And the log file "app.log" for the same artifact in the workspace named "personal" in a Windows environment is located at


Store Location Strategies

When you install any application using the nuts command a set of specific folders for the presented Store Locations are created. For that, two strategies exist : Exploded strategy (the default) and Standalone strategy.

In Exploded strategy nuts defines top level folders (in linux ~/.config for config Store Location etc), and then creates withing each top level Store Location a sub folder for the given application (or application version to be more specific). This helps putting all your config files in a SSD partition for instance and make nuts run faster. However if you are interested in the backup or roaming of your workspace, this may be not the best approach.

The Standalone strategy is indeed provided mainly for Roaming workspaces that can be shared, copied, moved to other locations. A single root folder will contain all of the Store Locations.

As an example, in "Standalone Strategy", the configuration folder for the artifact net.thevpc.app:netbeans-launcher#1.2.4 in the default workspace in a Linux environment is

And the log file "app.log" for the same artifact in the workspace named "personal" in the same Linux environment is located at

You can see here that the following folder will contain ALL the data files of the workspace.


whereas in the Exploded strategy the Store Location are "exploded" into multiple root folders.

Custom Store Locations

Of course, you are able to configure separately each Store Location to meet your needs.

Selecting strategies

The following command will create an exploded workspace

nuts -w my-workspace --exploded
The following command will create a standalone workspace

nuts -w my-workspace --standalone

Finer Customization

The following command will create an exploded workspace and moves all config files to the SSD partition folder /myssd/myconfig

nuts -w my-workspace --system-conf-home=/myssd/myconfig
You can type help for more details.

nuts help

3.5 Nuts Text Format

Nuts Text Format

nuts comes up with a simple coloring syntax that helps writing better looking portable command line programs. standard output is automatically configured to accept the "Nuts Text Format" (NTF) syntax. Though it remains possible to disable this ability using the --!color standard option (or programmatically, see nuts API documentation). NTF will be translated to the underlying terminal implementation using ANSI escape code on linux/windows terminals if available.

Here after a showcase of available NTF syntax.





Nuts Text Format Specification

<TOKEN> S10: '##########'
<TOKEN> S9 : '#########'
<TOKEN> S8 : '########'
<TOKEN> S7 : '#######'
<TOKEN> S6 : '######'
<TOKEN> S5 : '#####'
<TOKEN> S4 : '####'
<TOKEN> S3 : '###'
<TOKEN> S2 : '##'
<TOKEN> S1 : '##'
<TOKEN> A3 : '\```'

<RULE>  S2 ':' KEY ':' ANYTHING S2

4 Nuts Commands

nuts exposes a set of commands :

  • exec : execute an artifact or a command

  • which : detect the proper artifact or system command to execute

  • install, uninstall : install/uninstall an artifact (using its fetched/deployed installer)

  • update,check-updates : search for updates

  • deploy, undeploy : manage artifacts (artifact installers) on the local repositories

  • fetch, push : download from, upload to remote repositories

  • search : search for existing/installable artifacts

  • welcome : a command that does nothing but bootstrapping nuts and showing a welcome message.

4.1 Nuts Commands

Nuts supports multiple types of commands (internal , external), multiple types of execution (embedded, spawn, and system execution) and multiple modes of execution (effective, dry). Internal Commands include:
  • welcome : this is the default command that simply shows a welcome message and exits

  • help : documentation and help command for nuts and applications and exits

  • version : show nuts version and exits

  • info : show detailed nuts installation information and exits

  • license : simply show nuts license and exits

  • search : search for applications installed/to install

  • fetch : download applications (without installing)

  • which : resolve the appropriate application (or an internal command) for a given command

  • exec : execute c(or an internal command)

  • install : installs an application

  • uninstall : uninstalls an application

  • update : updates an installed application

  • reinstall : reinstall an existing application

  • check-updates : checks for updates of an application (do not perform the update)

  • deploy : deploys a local application (and its descriptors) to a local repository

  • push : syncronizes the local repositry to it's remote peer and hence, deploy to a remote repository.

  • bundle : creates a standalone bundle as a complete nuts workspace that serve a single application

  • settings : this is main settings/configuration commands to manage nuts workspaces, apps, security, etc.

4.2 Exec

exec command runs another command and which command does a dry run of it.

When one types

nuts netbeans-command
it is actually equivalent to

nuts exec netbeans-command
What is helpful with exec is that it permits passing extra parameters to application executors. In nuts , an application executor is an artifact that can be used to run other artifacts. For instance nsh , which is a nuts companion, is an executor for all " .nsh" artifacts (yest script files are artifacts too). Some executors are specially handled such as "java" executor that is used to run all jars and basically all java based artifacts. Java executor for instance supports all java standard vm option arguments

me@linux:~> nuts exec -Xmx1G netbeans-launcher

Here we pass -Xmx1G option argument to java executor because netbeans-launcher will be resolved as a java based artifact. For what concerns which command, it does not really execute the command, it just resolves the command execution

me@linux:~> nuts which version ls
version : internal command 
ls : nuts alias (owner maven-local://net.thevpc.app.nuts.toolbox:nsh# ) : maven-local://net.thevpc.app.nuts.toolbox:nsh# -c ls

Here which returns that version is an internal command while ls is an alias to an artifact based command (nsh -c ls) which is called a "nuts alias". As you can see, ls is actually a sub command of nsh artifact.

1.2 External Commands

External commands are commands that will invoke another artifact. for instance

nuts netbeans-command
is running an external command which is net.thevpc.app:netbeans-launcher#1.2.2 artifact.

1.2 External Files & URLs

You can run any jar file using nuts as far as it fulfills two points : the files must contain a supported descriptor (if it is compiled with maven, it already has the supported descriptor) and the file should be typed as a path (it must contain a '/' or '' separator)

wget -N https://github.com/thevpc/vpc-public-maven/raw/master/net/vpc/app/netbeans-launcher/1.2.2/netbeans-launcher-1.2.2.jar
nuts ./netbeans-launcher-1.2.2.jar
You can even run a remove file using its url format :

nuts https://github.com/thevpc/vpc-public-maven/raw/master/net/vpc/app/netbeans-launcher/1.2.2/netbeans-launcher-1.2.2.jar

2. Execution types

2.1 spawn

This is the default execution type where any external command will spawn a new process to execute within. Internal commands are not affected by this mode and are executed, always, in the current vm process (with embedded type).

me@linux:~> nuts --spawn ls

2.2 embedded

In this type the command will try not to spawn a new process but load in the current vm the commmand to run (as far as it is a java command)

me@linux:~> nuts --embedded ls

2.3 syscall

In this type, the command execution is delegated to the underlying operating system end hence will also swan a new process.

me@linux:~> nuts --syscall ls

3 Execution modes

3.1 effective execution

This is the default execution mode where the command is really and effectively ran.

3.2 dry execution

In this mode, the command will be ran in dry mode with no side effects which implies a "simulation" of the execution.

me@linux:~> nuts --dry version
[dry] internal version 

4.3 Exec Cmdline

execute a command
    runs command with the given executor options ( it will be considered an option if it
    starts with '-' ). This is helpful to issue JVM Options to executor for instance


    nuts exec [<-options>]...  ...
         --exec [<-options>]...  ...
         -e [<-options>]...  ...


    --embedded | -bsh
        when invoking a nuts artifact, it will be executed in the current process (no JVM process wil be spawn)

    --external | --spawn or -xsh
        when invoking a nuts artifact, it will always be executed in a newly created
        process (this is the default)

        the command is considered as a native command (not a nuts) and will be passed
        to the os as is.

        the command is considered as a native command (not a nuts) and will be passed
        to the os as is with root privileges (a password will be asked for).

        the command is run on a remote machine using the given connexion string.
        The current version supports ssh connexion strings in the following form
        When the username is not provided, the current user is considered.
        When the password is not provided, the default ssh key is used.
        When the port is not provided, 22 port number is considered.

        when using a system command, the command is run with the current user privileges (default).

        when using a system command, the command is run with the system root privileges. credentials may be asked for.

        when using a system command, the command is run with the given system username privileges. credentials may be asked for.

        the path to execute will not be executed. Instead it will be opened with assigned editor. System bindings are most likely to be considered.


    nuts exec --help
        show this help and exit

    nuts exec --yes -e -Xmx1G netbeans-launcher
        runs netbeans-launcher with JVM option -Xmx1G. If the artifact is not installed
        it will be automatically installed ( --yes modifier helps bypassing interactive mode)

    nuts exec my-nuts-group:my-nuts#12.3
        executes the version 12.3 of my-nuts-group:my-nuts

    nuts exec my-nuts-group:my-nuts
        executes the latest version of my-nuts-group:my-nuts

    nuts exec my-nuts
        executes the latest version of my-nuts-group:my-nuts supposing that my-nuts-group
        is added as imported group using config import my-nuts-group

    nuts -ZSby -w test ./build-website.nsh 
        run sh file

    nuts -Zy -w test /home/vpc/target/hl/local.vpc-no-name-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar 
        run jar file

    nuts --verbose -ZSbkKy -w=test6 tn.corp.mlda:mlda 
        run javafx app

    nuts -ZykKS -w=temp --verbose exec --main-class=1 org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-cli#2.4.1 
        run spring boot cli

4.4 Which

which command does a dry run of a command.

When one types

nuts netbeans-command
it is actually equivalent to

nuts exec netbeans-command
What is helpful with exec is that it permits passing extra parameters to application executors. In nuts , an application executor is an artifact that can be used to run other artifacts. For instance nsh , which is a nuts companion, is an executor for all " .nsh" artifacts (yest script files are artifacts too). Some executors are specially handled such as "java" executor that is used to run all jars and basically all java based artifacts. Java executor for instance supports all java standard vm option arguments

me@linux:~> nuts exec -Xmx1G netbeans-launcher

Here we pass -Xmx1G option argument to java executor because netbeans-launcher will be resolved as a java based artifact. For what concerns which command, it does not really execute the command, it just resolves the command execution

me@linux:~> nuts which version ls
version : internal command 
ls : nuts alias (owner maven-local://net.thevpc.app.nuts.toolbox:nsh# ) : maven-local://net.thevpc.app.nuts.toolbox:nsh# -c ls

Here which returns that version is an internal command while ls is an alias to an artifact based command (nsh -c ls) which is called a "nuts alias". As you can see, ls is actually a sub command of nsh artifact.

1.2 External Commands

External commands are commands that will invoke another artifact. for instance

nuts netbeans-command
is running an external command which is net.thevpc.app:netbeans-launcher#1.2.2 artifact.

1.2 External Files & URLs

You can run any jar file using nuts as far as it fulfills two points : the files must contain a supported descriptor (if it is compiled with maven, it already has the supported descriptor) and the file should be typed as a path (it must contain a '/' or '' separator)

wget -N https://github.com/thevpc/vpc-public-maven/raw/master/net/vpc/app/netbeans-launcher/1.2.2/netbeans-launcher-1.2.2.jar
nuts ./netbeans-launcher-1.2.2.jar
You can even run a remove file using its url format :

nuts https://github.com/thevpc/vpc-public-maven/raw/master/net/vpc/app/netbeans-launcher/1.2.2/netbeans-launcher-1.2.2.jar

2. Execution types

2.1 spawn

This is the default execution type where any external command will spawn a new process to execute within. Internal commands are not affected by this mode and are executed, always, in the current vm process (with embedded type).

me@linux:~> nuts --spawn ls

2.2 embedded

In this type the command will try not to spawn a new process but load in the current vm the commmand to run (as far as it is a java command)

me@linux:~> nuts --embedded ls

2.3 syscall

In this type, the command execution is delegated to the underlying operating system end hence will also swan a new process.

me@linux:~> nuts --syscall ls

3 Execution modes

3.1 effective execution

This is the default execution mode where the command is really and effectively ran.

3.2 dry execution

In this mode, the command will be ran in dry mode with no side effects which implies a "simulation" of the execution.

me@linux:~> nuts --dry version
[dry] internal version 

4.5 Which Cmdline

resolves commands type


    nuts which [<-options>]... [] ...
        resolves commands type


    nuts which --help
        show this help and exit

    nuts which netbeans-launcher exec
        show netbeans-launcher and exec types. The first is a artifact the latter is an internal command

4.6 Fetch

fetch command is used to download content of an artifact when you exactly know of it's nuts long id (which is required). This will download a cached version of the artifact in the local machine (the artifact passes to 'fetched' status)

me@linux:~> nuts fetch net.thevpc.app:netbeans-launcher#1.2.2

4.7 Fetch Cmdline

search for artifacts


    nuts search [<-options>]...  ...  ...
        search for 


        when an id is found but its descriptor and/or its file are not found, do not raise an error and continue. default no

        return all versions of the same ids. if no will always return the latest one. default yes

        return the same version from distinct repositories if found. default yes

        remove duplicates . default false

    -L | --latest | --latest-versions
        return latest version of each searched id. equivalent to --all-versions=no

    -S | --single | --single-versions
        return one instance of each version even if found in distinct repositories. equivalent to --duplicate=no

    -s | --sort
        sort result. default no

        include main result. This is meaningful when one needs to find only dependencies, and hence turns this flag to no. default yes

        include dependencies in result. default no

        include main result and no dependencies. equivalent to --main=yes --dependencies=no

        include dependencies and no main. equivalent to --main=no --dependencies=no

        include main result and no dependencies. equivalent to --main=yes --dependencies=yes

    -r | --repository 
        include repository in the search process. if none defined, all repositories are searched.

    --arch x86|amd64|ia64|ppc|sparc
        include architecture in the search process. if none defined, all architectures are searched.

    --packaging jar|war|...
        include packaging in the search process. if none defined, all packagings are searched.

        include cached in the search process. default yes

        include search index in the search process. default yes

        compute effective descriptor. default no

        include content. default no

        include install information. default false

        force found contents to be copied to location

    -f | --fetch offline|online|anywhere|installed|remote
        include fetch mode in the search process. if none defined, all fetch modes are searched.

    --offline | -F 
        equivalent to --fetch=offline

    --online | -O
        equivalent to --fetch=online

    --anywhere | -a
        equivalent to --fetch=anywhere

    --installed | -i 
        search for installed only packages

        search for included packages in other installations

        search for installed and required (as dependencies) packages

    --remote | -R
        equivalent to --fetch=remote

        relevant when --dependencies is armed.
        --optional=     : search for all dependencies, including optional (default)
        --optional=yes  : search for optional dependencies only
        --optional=no   : search for non optional dependencies only

    --scope api|implementation|compile|provided|import
        relevant when --dependencies is armed.
        include scope in the search dependencies process.
        if none defined, only run scope is searched.

    --default | --default-versions
        find only default installed versions. This is meaningful with --installed flag

    --libs | --lib
        find libraries (non app) only

    --apps | --app
        find applications (non libraries) only

    --nuts-apps |--nuts-app
        find nuts applications only

    --extensions | --extension
        find extensions only

        find nuts runtime only

    --companions | --companion
        find companions only

        find artifacts compatible with the given api-version

        equivalent to --display=long

        define columns to display (ordered list of columns, comma separated)
        Accepted columns are:
            status             : show nuts status using condensed format using 3 characters
                char #1 : show installation status
                    I : means 'installed' and is 'default'
                    i : means 'installed' and is not default
                    d : means 'dependency' (aka 'required') locally deployed
                    f : means 'fetched' locally but not installed
                    r : means 'remote' (not fetched)
                char #2 : show package type
                    a : nuts 'api' package
                    r : nuts 'runtime' package
                    e : nuts 'extension' package
                    c : nuts 'companion' package
                    - : other package
                char #3 : show application status
                    X : means executable nuts application (implementing NutsApplication)
                    x : means executable regular application
                    - : means non executable or unknown
                char #4 : show scope status (when applicable)
                    c : compile/api scope
                    i : implementation scope
                    r : runtime scope
                    s : system scope
                    p : provided scope
                    t : test (any) scope
                    m : import scope
                    O : other
                    - : unknown
            install-date       : artifact install date
            install-user       : artifact install user
            id                 : artifact id
            name               : simple name
            packaging          : artifact packaging (jar, war, msi, exe, ...)
            arch               : artifact supported architectures (x86, x64,...)
            platform           : artifact supported platforms (java, dotnet, ...)
            os                 : artifact supported operation systems (Linux, Windows,...)
            osdist             : artifact supported OS distributions (OpenSuSE, Ubuntu, ...)
            de                 : artifact supported OS Desktop Environment (KDE, GNOME,...)
            exec-entry         : Main class
            file-name          : artifact file name
            file               : artifact file path
            var-location       : artifact var folder
            temp-location      : artifact temp folder
            config-location    : artifact config folder
            lib-location       : artifact lib folder
            log-location       : artifact log folder
            cache-location     : artifact cache folder
            programs-location  : artifact programs folder
            run-location       : artifact run folder
            long               : equivalent to status, install-date, install-user, id
            all                : equivalent to all of the above

        when formatting id, omit env

        when formatting id, omit face

        when formatting id, omit group

        when formatting id, omit imported group

        when formatting id, omit repository

        when formatting id, highlight imported group

        when formatting id, highlight optional

        when formatting id, highlight scope


    nuts search --help
        show this help and exit

    nuts search
        search installed nuts

    nuts search --offline netbeans-*
        search all artifacts that start with "netbeans-" in all local repositories

    nuts search --anywhere netbeans-*
        search all artifacts that start with "netbeans-" in all local and remote repositories

    nuts -Zy -w test search --repository spring 
        search using spring repository only

    -Zy search -l --json 
        search locally installed artifacts in json format

4.8 Install

A part from URL and path based executions, an artifact should be installed to be run. Installation can be auto fired when you first execute the artifact (you will be prompted to install the artifact) or manually using the install command. Note that when you run directly a jar file as a path or url, the artifact will not be installed! to install an application just type

nuts install <your-artifact-query-here>
For example

nuts install net.thevpc.app:netbeans-launcher#1.2.2
you may use any artifact query (see search command section) to install a command.

nuts install net.thevpc.app:netbeans-*
if the artifact is already installed, you should use the force flag (--force)

nuts install net.thevpc.app:netbeans-launcher#1.2.2
#this second time we have to force install
nuts install -- force net.thevpc.app:netbeans-launcher#1.2.2
One exception is when you want to switch between multiple versions installed to set the default one, you can omit the --force flag. Actually, when multiple version of the same artifact are installed all of them are executable directly by specifying the right version. When you specify no version, the default one is selected for you. And to make is simple, the default one is the last one you ran an install command for it.

me@linux:~> nuts install net.thevpc.app:netbeans-launcher#1.2.2
me@linux:~> nuts netbeans-launcher
me@linux:~> nuts install net.thevpc.app:netbeans-launcher#1.2.1
me@linux:~> nuts netbeans-launcher
me@linux:~> nuts install net.thevpc.app:netbeans-launcher#1.2.2
You can find all installed artifacts using 'nuts search --installed' command


The install command is used to install or reinstall packages.
  • A+B : read A main package and B dependencies
  • A+B? : ask, if confirmed, read A main package and B dependencies.
  • require : deploy package as 'required'
  • install : deploy package as 'installed'
  • nothing : do nothing
The available strategies are
  • require : install the package and all of its dependencies as required class installed package
  • install : install the package and all of its dependencies as first class installed package
  • reinstall : re-install or re-required the package and all of its dependencies
  • repair : repair (re-install or re-required) the given dependency
"required class installed package" can be removed (uninstalled automatically by nuts when none of the depending package is nomore installed.
NOT_INSTALLED require+require install+require install+require? error
INSTALLED nothing+nothing install+require? install+require install+nothing
INSTALLED REQUIRED nothing+nothing install+require? install+require install+nothing
REQUIRED nothing+nothing install+nothing require+require require+nothing
INSTALLED OBSOLETE install+require install+require install+require install+nothing
INSTALLED REQUIRED OBSOLETE install+require install+require install+require install+nothing
REQUIRED OBSOLETE require+require install+require require+require require+nothing

4.9 Install Cmdline

install nuts package 


    nuts install <-options> ...


    -c | --companions
        include companions in the install process

    -i | --installed
        include already installed artifacts in the install process (re-install)

    -g | --args  ...
        pass the given args to the install executor


    nuts install --help
        show this help and exit

    nuts install netbeans-launcher
        install netbeans-launcher

    nuts --debug -Zy -w test install pnote
        install pnote in debug mode

    nuts -Zyb -w test --verbose install netbeans-launcher
        install netbeans-launcher in verbose mode

4.10 Uninstall

A part from URL and path based executions, an artifact should be installed to be run. Installation can be auto fired when you first execute the artifact (you will be prompted to install the artifact) or manually using the install command. Note that when you run directly a jar file as a path or url, the artifact will not be installed! to install an application just type

nuts install <your-artifact-query-here>
For example

nuts install net.thevpc.app:netbeans-launcher#1.2.2
you may use any artifact query (see search command section) to install a command.

nuts install net.thevpc.app:netbeans-*
if the artifact is already installed, you should use the force flag (--force)

nuts install net.thevpc.app:netbeans-launcher#1.2.2
#this second time we have to force install
nuts install -- force net.thevpc.app:netbeans-launcher#1.2.2
One exception is when you want to switch between multiple versions installed to set the default one, you can omit the --force flag. Actually, when multiple version of the same artifact are installed all of them are executable directly by specifying the right version. When you specify no version, the default one is selected for you. And to make is simple, the default one is the last one you ran an install command for it.

me@linux:~> nuts install net.thevpc.app:netbeans-launcher#1.2.2
me@linux:~> nuts netbeans-launcher
me@linux:~> nuts install net.thevpc.app:netbeans-launcher#1.2.1
me@linux:~> nuts netbeans-launcher
me@linux:~> nuts install net.thevpc.app:netbeans-launcher#1.2.2
You can find all installed artifacts using 'nuts search --installed' command


The install command is used to install or reinstall packages.
  • A+B : read A main package and B dependencies
  • A+B? : ask, if confirmed, read A main package and B dependencies.
  • require : deploy package as 'required'
  • install : deploy package as 'installed'
  • nothing : do nothing
The available strategies are
  • require : install the package and all of its dependencies as required class installed package
  • install : install the package and all of its dependencies as first class installed package
  • reinstall : re-install or re-required the package and all of its dependencies
  • repair : repair (re-install or re-required) the given dependency
"required class installed package" can be removed (uninstalled automatically by nuts when none of the depending package is nomore installed.
NOT_INSTALLED require+require install+require install+require? error
INSTALLED nothing+nothing install+require? install+require install+nothing
INSTALLED REQUIRED nothing+nothing install+require? install+require install+nothing
REQUIRED nothing+nothing install+nothing require+require require+nothing
INSTALLED OBSOLETE install+require install+require install+require install+nothing
INSTALLED REQUIRED OBSOLETE install+require install+require install+require install+nothing
REQUIRED OBSOLETE require+require install+require require+require require+nothing

4.11 Uninstall Cmdline

uninstall nuts package 


    nuts uninstall ...  ...
        uninstall one or more nuts from repositories if installed.
        if no nuts-id is defined an error will occur


    -e | --erase
        enable erase mode to delete all of artifact's config data as well

        provide arguments to pass to uninstaller


    nuts uninstall --help
        show this help and exit

    nuts uninstall netbeans-launcher
        uninstall netbeans-launcher

    nuts uninstall my-group:my-thing#2.3
        uninstalls - if able to resolve it - exactly the nuts "my-group:my-thing#2.3"

    nuts uninstall my-group:my-thing
        uninstalls - if able to resolve it - the latest version of "my-group:my-thing"

    nutsuninstall my-thing
        uninstalls - if able to resolve it - the latest version of "my-group:my-thing" as long as "my-group" is defined as a default import group

4.12 Check Updates

A part from URL and path based executions, an artifact should be installed to be run. Installation can be auto fired when you first execute the artifact (you will be prompted to install the artifact) or manually using the install command. Note that when you run directly a jar file as a path or url, the artifact will not be installed! to install an application just type

nuts install <your-artifact-query-here>
For example

nuts install net.thevpc.app:netbeans-launcher#1.2.2
you may use any artifact query (see search command section) to install a command.

nuts install net.thevpc.app:netbeans-*
if the artifact is already installed, you should use the force flag (--force)

nuts install net.thevpc.app:netbeans-launcher#1.2.2
#this second time we have to force install
nuts install -- force net.thevpc.app:netbeans-launcher#1.2.2
One exception is when you want to switch between multiple versions installed to set the default one, you can omit the --force flag. Actually, when multiple version of the same artifact are installed all of them are executable directly by specifying the right version. When you specify no version, the default one is selected for you. And to make is simple, the default one is the last one you ran an install command for it.

me@linux:~> nuts install net.thevpc.app:netbeans-launcher#1.2.2
me@linux:~> nuts netbeans-launcher
me@linux:~> nuts install net.thevpc.app:netbeans-launcher#1.2.1
me@linux:~> nuts netbeans-launcher
me@linux:~> nuts install net.thevpc.app:netbeans-launcher#1.2.2
You can find all installed artifacts using 'nuts search --installed' command


The install command is used to install or reinstall packages.
  • A+B : read A main package and B dependencies
  • A+B? : ask, if confirmed, read A main package and B dependencies.
  • require : deploy package as 'required'
  • install : deploy package as 'installed'
  • nothing : do nothing
The available strategies are
  • require : install the package and all of its dependencies as required class installed package
  • install : install the package and all of its dependencies as first class installed package
  • reinstall : re-install or re-required the package and all of its dependencies
  • repair : repair (re-install or re-required) the given dependency
"required class installed package" can be removed (uninstalled automatically by nuts when none of the depending package is nomore installed.
NOT_INSTALLED require+require install+require install+require? error
INSTALLED nothing+nothing install+require? install+require install+nothing
INSTALLED REQUIRED nothing+nothing install+require? install+require install+nothing
REQUIRED nothing+nothing install+nothing require+require require+nothing
INSTALLED OBSOLETE install+require install+require install+require install+nothing
INSTALLED REQUIRED OBSOLETE install+require install+require install+require install+nothing
REQUIRED OBSOLETE require+require install+require require+require require+nothing

4.13 check-updates Cmdline

check for updates
    check if a newer version of nuts is available in the current workspace without performing updates


    nuts check-updates [<-options>]...  ...


    -a | --all
        check updates for both workspace's api, runtime extensions and installed artifacts

    -w | --ws or --workspace
        check updates for all workspace's related artifacts (api, runtime and extensions)

    -i | --installed
        check updates for all installed artifacts

    -e | --extensions
        check updates for all workspace's extensions

    -r | --runtime
        check updates for workspace's runtime artifact (minor workspace update)

    -A | --api
        check updates for workspace's api (major workspace update)


    nuts check-updates --help
        show this help and exit

    nuts check-updates
        check updates for current workspace

4.14 Update

A part from URL and path based executions, an artifact should be installed to be run. Installation can be auto fired when you first execute the artifact (you will be prompted to install the artifact) or manually using the install command. Note that when you run directly a jar file as a path or url, the artifact will not be installed! to install an application just type

nuts install <your-artifact-query-here>
For example

nuts install net.thevpc.app:netbeans-launcher#1.2.2
you may use any artifact query (see search command section) to install a command.

nuts install net.thevpc.app:netbeans-*
if the artifact is already installed, you should use the force flag (--force)

nuts install net.thevpc.app:netbeans-launcher#1.2.2
#this second time we have to force install
nuts install -- force net.thevpc.app:netbeans-launcher#1.2.2
One exception is when you want to switch between multiple versions installed to set the default one, you can omit the --force flag. Actually, when multiple version of the same artifact are installed all of them are executable directly by specifying the right version. When you specify no version, the default one is selected for you. And to make is simple, the default one is the last one you ran an install command for it.

me@linux:~> nuts install net.thevpc.app:netbeans-launcher#1.2.2
me@linux:~> nuts netbeans-launcher
me@linux:~> nuts install net.thevpc.app:netbeans-launcher#1.2.1
me@linux:~> nuts netbeans-launcher
me@linux:~> nuts install net.thevpc.app:netbeans-launcher#1.2.2
You can find all installed artifacts using 'nuts search --installed' command


The install command is used to install or reinstall packages.
  • A+B : read A main package and B dependencies
  • A+B? : ask, if confirmed, read A main package and B dependencies.
  • require : deploy package as 'required'
  • install : deploy package as 'installed'
  • nothing : do nothing
The available strategies are
  • require : install the package and all of its dependencies as required class installed package
  • install : install the package and all of its dependencies as first class installed package
  • reinstall : re-install or re-required the package and all of its dependencies
  • repair : repair (re-install or re-required) the given dependency
"required class installed package" can be removed (uninstalled automatically by nuts when none of the depending package is nomore installed.
NOT_INSTALLED require+require install+require install+require? error
INSTALLED nothing+nothing install+require? install+require install+nothing
INSTALLED REQUIRED nothing+nothing install+require? install+require install+nothing
REQUIRED nothing+nothing install+nothing require+require require+nothing
INSTALLED OBSOLETE install+require install+require install+require install+nothing
INSTALLED REQUIRED OBSOLETE install+require install+require install+require install+nothing
REQUIRED OBSOLETE require+require install+require require+require require+nothing

4.15 updates Cmdline

nuts update 
    check if a newer version of nuts or any of the provided 
    is available in the current workspace and perform update by downloading (fetch)
    and installing the artifact. The updated version is promoted to 'default' version.


    nuts update [<-options>]...  ...  ...
        update the nuts to the latest version.
        If --force is armed, will re-download the artifacts and its dependencies.

    nuts update [ --to-version  ]
        update the current workspace to latest version or to the given version if provided.


    -a | --all
        force updates of both workspace's api, runtime extensions and installed artifacts

    -w | --ws | --workspace
        update all workspace's related artifacts (api, runtime and extensions)

    -i | --installed
        update all installed artifacts

    -e | --extensions
        update all workspace's extensions

    -c | --companions
        update all companions

    -r | --runtime
        update workspace's runtime artifact (minor workspace update)

    -A | --api
        update workspace's api (major workspace update)

    -v  or --to-version 
        force updates to the provided  (may be a downgrade)

        provide arguments to pass to updater


    nuts update --help
        show this help and exit

    nuts update
        update workspace

    nuts update netbeans-launcher
        update netbeans-launcher

4.16 Search

Artifact can be in multiple states. they can be
  • 'unavailable' if no registered repository can serve that artifact
  • 'available' if there is at least one repository that can serve that artifact
  • 'fetched' if there is a repository that can serve the artifact from local machine. This happens either if the repository is a local one (for instance a folder repository) or the repository has already downloaded and cached the artifact
  • 'installed' if the artifact is fetched and installed in the the machine.
  • 'installed default' if the artifact is installed and marked as default
To search for these artifacts status you will use the appropriate option flag with an artifact query. An artifact query is a generalization of an artifact id where you may use wild cards and version intervals in it. These are some examples of artifact queries.

# all artifacts that start with netbeans, whatever groupId they belong to
# nuts search netbeans*

# all artifacts that start with netbeans, whatever groupId they belong to. same as the latter.
# nuts search *:netbeans*

# all artifacts in the net.thevpc.app groupId
# nuts search net.thevpc.*:*

# all artifacts in the net.thevpc.* groupId which includes all of net.thevpc.app and net.thevpc.app.example for instance.
# nuts search net.thevpc.*:*

# all artifacts that start with netbeans and is available for windows operating system in x86_64 architecture
# nuts search netbeans*?os=windows&arch=x86_64

# all netbeans launcher version that are greater than 1.2.0 (excluding 1.2.0)
# nuts search netbeans-launcher#]1.2.0,[

# all netbeans launcher version that are greater than 1.2.0 (including 1.2.0)
# nuts search netbeans-launcher#[1.2.0,[

You can then use the these flags to tighten your search :
  • --installed (or -i) : search only for installed artifacts

  • --local : search only for fetched artifacts

  • --remote : search only for non fetched artifacts

  • --online : search in installed then in local then in remote, stop when you first find a result.

  • --anywhere (or -a) : search in installed and local and remote, return all results.

You can also change the output layout using --long (or -l) flag

me@linux:~> nuts search -i -l
I-X 2019-08-26 09:53:53.141 anonymous vpc-public-maven net.thevpc.app:netbeans-launcher#1.2.1
IcX 2019-08-24 11:05:49.591 admin     maven-local      net.thevpc.app.nuts.toolbox:nsh#
I-x 2019-08-26 09:50:03.423 anonymous vpc-public-maven net.thevpc.app:kifkif#1.3.3
you can even change the output format

me@linux:~> nuts search -i -l --json

  "id": "vpc-public-maven://net.thevpc.app:netbeans-launcher#1.2.1",
  "descriptor": {
    "id": "net.thevpc.app:netbeans-launcher#1.2.1",
    "parents": [],
    "packaging": "jar",
    "executable": true,

Indeed, all of nuts commands support the following formats : plain, json, xml, table and tree because nuts adds support to multi format output by default. You can switch to any of them for any command by adding the right option in nuts (typically --plain, --json, --xml, --table and --tree). I know this is awesome!.

search is a very versatile command, you are welcome to run "nuts search --help" to get more information.

4.17 Search Cmdline

search for artifacts


    nuts search [<-options>]...  ...  ...
        search for 


        when an id is found but its descriptor and/or its file are not found, do not raise an error and continue. default no

        return all versions of the same ids. if no will always return the latest one. default yes

        return the same version from distinct repositories if found. default yes

        remove duplicates . default false

    -L | --latest | --latest-versions
        return latest version of each searched id. equivalent to --all-versions=no

    -S | --single | --single-versions
        return one instance of each version even if found in distinct repositories. equivalent to --duplicate=no

    -s | --sort
        sort result. default no

        include main result. This is meaningful when one needs to find only dependencies, and hence turns this flag to no. default yes

        include dependencies in result. default no

        include main result and no dependencies. equivalent to --main=yes --dependencies=no

        include dependencies and no main. equivalent to --main=no --dependencies=no

        include main result and no dependencies. equivalent to --main=yes --dependencies=yes

    -r | --repository 
        include repository in the search process. if none defined, all repositories are searched.

    --arch x86|amd64|ia64|ppc|sparc
        include architecture in the search process. if none defined, all architectures are searched.

    --packaging jar|war|...
        include packaging in the search process. if none defined, all packagings are searched.

        include cached in the search process. default yes

        include search index in the search process. default yes

        compute effective descriptor. default no

        include content. default no

        include install information. default false

        force found contents to be copied to location

    -f | --fetch offline|online|anywhere|installed|remote
        include fetch mode in the search process. if none defined, all fetch modes are searched.

    --offline | -F 
        equivalent to --fetch=offline

    --online | -O
        equivalent to --fetch=online

    --anywhere | -a
        equivalent to --fetch=anywhere

    --installed | -i 
        search for installed only packages

        search for included packages in other installations

        search for installed and required (as dependencies) packages

    --remote | -R
        equivalent to --fetch=remote

        relevant when --dependencies is armed.
        --optional=     : search for all dependencies, including optional (default)
        --optional=yes  : search for optional dependencies only
        --optional=no   : search for non optional dependencies only

    --scope api|implementation|compile|provided|import
        relevant when --dependencies is armed.
        include scope in the search dependencies process.
        if none defined, only run scope is searched.

    --default | --default-versions
        find only default installed versions. This is meaningful with --installed flag

    --libs | --lib
        find libraries (non app) only

    --apps | --app
        find applications (non libraries) only

    --nuts-apps |--nuts-app
        find nuts applications only

    --extensions | --extension
        find extensions only

        find nuts runtime only

    --companions | --companion
        find companions only

        find artifacts compatible with the given api-version

        equivalent to --display=long

        define columns to display (ordered list of columns, comma separated)
        Accepted columns are:
            status             : show nuts status using condensed format using 3 characters
                char #1 : show installation status
                    I : means 'installed' and is 'default'
                    i : means 'installed' and is not default
                    d : means 'dependency' (aka 'required') locally deployed
                    f : means 'fetched' locally but not installed
                    r : means 'remote' (not fetched)
                char #2 : show package type
                    a : nuts 'api' package
                    r : nuts 'runtime' package
                    e : nuts 'extension' package
                    c : nuts 'companion' package
                    - : other package
                char #3 : show application status
                    X : means executable nuts application (implementing NutsApplication)
                    x : means executable regular application
                    - : means non executable or unknown
                char #4 : show scope status (when applicable)
                    c : compile/api scope
                    i : implementation scope
                    r : runtime scope
                    s : system scope
                    p : provided scope
                    t : test (any) scope
                    m : import scope
                    O : other
                    - : unknown
            install-date       : artifact install date
            install-user       : artifact install user
            id                 : artifact id
            name               : simple name
            packaging          : artifact packaging (jar, war, msi, exe, ...)
            arch               : artifact supported architectures (x86, x64,...)
            platform           : artifact supported platforms (java, dotnet, ...)
            os                 : artifact supported operation systems (Linux, Windows,...)
            osdist             : artifact supported OS distributions (OpenSuSE, Ubuntu, ...)
            de                 : artifact supported OS Desktop Environment (KDE, GNOME,...)
            exec-entry         : Main class
            file-name          : artifact file name
            file               : artifact file path
            var-location       : artifact var folder
            temp-location      : artifact temp folder
            config-location    : artifact config folder
            lib-location       : artifact lib folder
            log-location       : artifact log folder
            cache-location     : artifact cache folder
            programs-location  : artifact programs folder
            run-location       : artifact run folder
            long               : equivalent to status, install-date, install-user, id
            all                : equivalent to all of the above

        when formatting id, omit env

        when formatting id, omit face

        when formatting id, omit group

        when formatting id, omit imported group

        when formatting id, omit repository

        when formatting id, highlight imported group

        when formatting id, highlight optional

        when formatting id, highlight scope


    nuts search --help
        show this help and exit

    nuts search
        search installed nuts

    nuts search --offline netbeans-*
        search all artifacts that start with "netbeans-" in all local repositories

    nuts search --anywhere netbeans-*
        search all artifacts that start with "netbeans-" in all local and remote repositories

    nuts -Zy -w test search --repository spring 
        search using spring repository only

    -Zy search -l --json 
        search locally installed artifacts in json format

4.18 Deploy

This command does absolutely nothing but showing this message

    _   __      __       
   / | / /_  __/ /______   Network Updatable Things Services
  /  |/ / / / / __/ ___/   The Open Source Package Manager for Java (TM)
 / /|  / /_/ / /_(__  )    and other Things ... by vpc
/_/ |_/\__,_/\__/____/     https://github.com/thevpc/nuts

nuts [<options>]... <command> <args> ...

For Help, type nuts help

4.19 Deploy Cmdline

configure nuts


    settings  []...


    settings list aliases []

    settings add alias =...

    settings remove alias ...


    settings list imports []

    settings (import|ia) ...

    settings (unimport|ir) ...


    settings (list archetypes|la)


    settings backup (--file|-f)=
    settings backup 

    settings restore (--file|-f)=
    settings restore 


    settings cli-id
    settings get cli-id

    settings cli-id=
    settings set cli-id 

    settings restore (--file|-f)=
    settings restore 


    settings connect --password= @:port
        telnet a remote tcp server


    settings delete bin|conf|var|log|temp|cache|run ...
        delete workspace folder

update stats:

    settings update stats ...
        update repository stats


    settings add java --search
        deploys an id from registered repository to another

    settings add java ...
        deploys an id from registered repository to another

    settings remove java ...
        deploys an id from registered repository to another


    settings list repos...
    settings add repo ...

    settings remove repo ...
    settings enable repo ...
    settings disable repo ...
    settings edit repo  ...


    settings list users...
    settings add user ...

    settings remove user ...
    settings enable user ...
    settings disable user ...
    settings edit user  ...
    settings password...


    settings (set log level|sll) verbose|finest|fine|finer|info|warning|severe|error|config|off|all

    settings (log level|get log level)

    settings install log

ndi (nuts desktop integration):

    settings ndi [

4.20 Push

This command does absolutely nothing but showing this message

    _   __      __       
   / | / /_  __/ /______   Network Updatable Things Services
  /  |/ / / / / __/ ___/   The Open Source Package Manager for Java (TM)
 / /|  / /_/ / /_(__  )    and other Things ... by vpc
/_/ |_/\__,_/\__/____/     https://github.com/thevpc/nuts

nuts [<options>]... <command> <args> ...

For Help, type nuts help

4.21 Push Cmdline

push a nuts to remote repository


        pushes a nuts to remote server


    push my-group:my-name
        pushes the nuts

4.22 Settings

This command does absolutely nothing but showing this message

    _   __      __       
   / | / /_  __/ /______   Network Updatable Things Services
  /  |/ / / / / __/ ___/   The Open Source Package Manager for Java (TM)
 / /|  / /_/ / /_(__  )    and other Things ... by vpc
/_/ |_/\__,_/\__/____/     https://github.com/thevpc/nuts

nuts [<options>]... <command> <args> ...

For Help, type nuts help

4.23 Settings Cmdline

configure nuts


    settings  []...


    settings list aliases []

    settings add alias =...

    settings remove alias ...


    settings list imports []

    settings (import|ia) ...

    settings (unimport|ir) ...


    settings (list archetypes|la)


    settings backup (--file|-f)=
    settings backup 

    settings restore (--file|-f)=
    settings restore 


    settings cli-id
    settings get cli-id

    settings cli-id=
    settings set cli-id 

    settings restore (--file|-f)=
    settings restore 


    settings connect --password= @:port
        telnet a remote tcp server


    settings delete bin|conf|var|log|temp|cache|run ...
        delete workspace folder

update stats:

    settings update stats ...
        update repository stats


    settings add java --search
        deploys an id from registered repository to another

    settings add java ...
        deploys an id from registered repository to another

    settings remove java ...
        deploys an id from registered repository to another


    settings list repos...
    settings add repo ...

    settings remove repo ...
    settings enable repo ...
    settings disable repo ...
    settings edit repo  ...


    settings list users...
    settings add user ...

    settings remove user ...
    settings enable user ...
    settings disable user ...
    settings edit user  ...
    settings password...


    settings (set log level|sll) verbose|finest|fine|finer|info|warning|severe|error|config|off|all

    settings (log level|get log level)

    settings install log

ndi (nuts desktop integration):

    settings ndi [

4.24 Welcome

This command does absolutely nothing but showing this message

    _   __      __       
   / | / /_  __/ /______   Network Updatable Things Services
  /  |/ / / / / __/ ___/   The Open Source Package Manager for Java (TM)
 / /|  / /_/ / /_(__  )    and other Things ... by vpc
/_/ |_/\__,_/\__/____/     https://github.com/thevpc/nuts

nuts [<options>]... <command> <args> ...

For Help, type nuts help

4.25 Welcome Cmdline

show minimal welcome message
    show minimal welcome message


    nuts welcome [<-options>]

4.26 Info Cmdline

show workspace information and exit
    show workspace detailed information (paths and libraries)


    nuts info [<-options>]


    -r | --repos
        show repositories

    -c | --cmd
        show command arguments

    -e | --env
        show environment info (Java™ version, os version, ...)

    -p | --path
        show workspace locations

    -f | --fancy
        show paths variables in multi rows

    --add =
        add extra key=value to info list

    -g | --get  ...
        filter names to include only the given names


    nuts info --help
        show this help and exit

    nuts info --json
        show info in json format

4.27 Info

info command is a more verbose command than version. It shows a lot of other nuts properties that describe the booted workspace, such as the workspace name, the store locations (artifacts, caches, ....)

me@linux:~> nuts info
name                     = default-workspace
nuts-api-version         = 0.8.5
nuts-api-id              = net.thevpc.app.nuts:nuts#0.8.5
nuts-runtime-id          = net.thevpc.app.nuts:nuts-core#
nuts-runtime-path        = ~/.cache/nuts/default-workspace/boot/net/vpc/app/nuts/nuts-core/;~/.cache/nuts/default-workspace/boot/net/vpc/app/nuts/nuts/0.8.5/nuts-0.8.5.jar;~/.cache/nuts/default-workspace/boot/com/google/code/gson/gson/2.8.5/gson-2.8.5.jar;~/.cache/nuts/default-workspace/boot/org/fusesource/jansi/jansi/1.17.1/jansi-1.17.1.jar
nuts-workspace-id        = 99b73002-804d-4e4c-9a13-f57ac1f40b3d
nuts-store-layout        = linux
nuts-store-strategy      = exploded
nuts-repo-store-strategy = exploded
nuts-global              = false
nuts-workspace           = ~/.config/nuts/default-workspace
nuts-workspace-apps      = ~/.local/share/nuts/apps/default-workspace
nuts-workspace-config    = ~/.config/nuts/default-workspace/config
nuts-workspace-var       = ~/.local/share/nuts/var/default-workspace
nuts-workspace-log       = ~/.local/log/nuts/default-workspace
nuts-workspace-temp      = ~/nuts/default-workspace
nuts-workspace-cache     = ~/.cache/nuts/default-workspace
nuts-workspace-lib       = ~/.local/share/nuts/lib/default-workspace
nuts-workspace-run       = /run/user/1000/nuts/default-workspace
nuts-open-mode           = open-or-create
nuts-secure              = false
nuts-gui                 = false
nuts-inherited           = false
nuts-recover             = false
nuts-reset               = false
nuts-debug               = false
nuts-trace               = true
nuts-read-only           = false
nuts-install-companions  = false
nuts-skip-welcome        = false
java-version             = 1.8.0_222
platform                 = java#1.8.0_222
java-home                = /usr/lib64/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk-1.8.0/jre
java-executable          = /usr/lib64/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk-1.8.0/jre/bin/java
java-classpath           = ~/.m2/repository/net/vpc/app/nuts/nuts/0.8.5/nuts-0.8.5.jar
java-library-path        = /usr/java/packages/lib/amd64:/usr/lib64:/lib64:/lib:/usr/lib
os-name                  = linux#4.12.14-lp151.28.13-default
os-family                = linux
os-dist                  = opensuse-leap#15.1
os-arch                  = x86_64
user-name                = me
user-home                = /home/me
user-dir                 = /home/me
command-line-long        = --color=system --trace --open-or-create --exec info
command-line-short       = -t info
inherited                = false
inherited-nuts-boot-args = 
inherited-nuts-args      = 
creation-started         = 2019-08-26 00:02:10.903
creation-finished        = 2019-08-26 00:02:11.223
creation-within          = 320ms
repositories-count       = 5

4.28 Version

This command will show nuts version. It is helpful to note that nuts has a couple of components : api and impl. api is the nuts bootstrap jar (actually nuts- .jar, ~500Ko of size) that contains only the minimum code to use nuts and to download the full implementation (3Mo of size) : impl component. Usually, the implementation version starts with the api version but this should be no rule.

me@linux:~> nuts version

Here the version command show api version (0.8.5) and the impl version (

4.29 Version Cmdline

show version
    show version


    nuts version [<-options>]
    nuts --version
    nuts -version
    nuts -v


    -a | --all
        include all versions (api, runtime, Java™ and operating system)

    --add = 
        include key=value pair in the result


    nuts version -a
        show all versions

    nuts -v
        show version

    nuts -Zy -w test version --table 
        show version in tabular format

4.30 Help Command

This command, as you should have guessed, show. help manual of your favorite command or of nuts it self.

me@linux:~> nuts help version
version :
nuts version
nuts --version
nuts -version
nuts -v
      show version and exit

will show help of the version command.

Usually, all nuts commands support the '--help' option command that should also show this very same help. So the latter command is equivalent to

me@linux:~> nuts version --help

4.31 License

license command shows license of nuts and exits. nuts adopts GNU General Public License v3 which is quite permissive.

me@linux:~> nuts license
    _   __      __       
   / | / /_  __/ /______   Network Updatable Things Services
  /  |/ / / / / __/ ___/   The Open Source Package Manager for Java (TM)
 / /|  / /_/ / /_(__  )    and other Things ... by vpc
/_/ |_/\__,_/\__/____/     https://github.com/thevpc/nuts

 Is a new Open Source Package Manager to help install packages
 and libraries for runtime execution. Nuts is the ultimate companion for
 maven (and other build managers) as it helps installing all package
 dependencies at runtime. Nuts is not tied to java and is a good choice
 to share shell scripts and other 'Things' . It is based on an extensible
 architecture to help supporting a large range of sub managers / repositories.
 Copyright (C) 2016-2019 Taha BEN SALAH
 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
 (at your option) any later version.

4.32 License Command Commandline

show license info and exit


    nuts license


    nuts license --helpsh
        show this help and exit

    nuts license
        show license and exit

5 ChangeLog

In this section we will consider the simplest usage of nuts package manager.

View Official releases here : Starred releases are most stable ones.