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Version 0.8.5 released
Publishing 0.8.5 version
View Official releases here : Starred releases are most stable ones.
2025-01-03 nuts
released download nuts-0.8.5.jar- ADDED: added simple Levenstein implementation to detect typos of boot commandline arguments and provide meaningful suggestions
- ADDED: added rememberMe key in NAsk to help remembering user's input to avoid asking the same questions multiple times in same session.
- ADDED: added simple templating (NTemplate) in NExpr to help manage text templating with simple expressions
ADDED: added new tool ndoc and nlib-doc (the related library) to generate statically html websites...
- FIXED: enhanced NExprs toolkit to support complex expressions, and is now default for ndoc
- DEPRECATED: deprecated for removal nclown (was really never used)
- DEPRECATED: deprecated for removal old docusaurus website and replace with one new based on ndoc (a tool by nuts!!)
- CHANGED: When generating preview jar, it will support natively
- ADDED: added option --preview-repo | -U to help simplifying preview mode installation.
- CHANGED: nuts-app now depends only on nuts-boot
- CHANGED: extracted nuts boot that does only load runtime all within its API. This will make simpler api upgrades
- CHANGED: nuts is exploded into nuts-boot (minimal bootstrap app), nuts (api library), nuts-lib (common library), two applications : nuts-app (minimal) and nuts-app-full (including runtime)
- WARNING: The OSS License has changed from APACHE2 to LGPL3
2024-09-06 started new version
Toward Version
Starting version 0.8.5
- cleaner API
- library separated from app!
- and much, much more...
Version released
Publishing 0.8.4 version
- cleaner API
- native image support
- faster startup/warmup
- better isolation
- better desktop environment support
- better service support
- and much, much more...
View Official releases here : Starred releases are most stable ones.
2024-04-25 nuts
released download nuts-0.8.5.jar- WARNING: The OSS License has changed from APACHE2 to LGPL3
WARNING : api API has evolved with incompatibilities with previous versions
- CHANGED: renamed nlib-ssh to next-ssh et is promoted as extension
- FIXED: Fixed maven url parsing on Windows platforms that prevented nsh from being installed
- CHANGED: Prefix is now 'N' instead of 'Nuts'
- ADDED: Add native installers for windows, linux and macOS
- ADDED: Add links to pdf docs in website and offline documentation
- ADDED: Add new nuts LOGO
- ADDED: Add NOptional a feature riche replacement of java's Optional
- ADDED: Add NEnvCondition/NEnvConditionBuilder::setProperties/getProperties
- ADDED: Add NDescriptor/NDescriptorBuilder::setLicenses
- ADDED: Add NDescriptor/NDescriptorBuilder::setDevelopers
- ADDED: Add NConstants.IdProperties.DESKTOP_ENVIRONMENT -> NConstants.IdProperties.PROPERTIES
- ADDED: Add NPath::getLongBaseName // longest file name before last '.'
- ADDED: Add NMessageFormattable
- ADDED: Add NDescribable now takes a Session instead of NElements
- ADDED: Add cmdline arguments : --isolation,--confined, --sandbox
- ADDED: promote cmdline arguments : --init-platforms,--init-launchers,--init-scripts, --init-java
- ADDED: promote cmdline arguments : --desktop-launcher,--menu-launcher,--user-launcher
- ADDED: Add 30+ unit tests
- ADDED: NSession::isProgress
- ADDED: NCommandline now extends NBlankable
- ADDED: Added/Exposed Bean Reflection API : NReflectRepository,NReflectType,NReflectProperty
- ADDED: Added NChronometer, NDuration
- ADDED: Added Var Style (dollar based placeholder) in NMessage
- ADDED: added NProgressMonitor and monitoring api
- ADDED: NMemorySize and memory size api
- ADDED: --progress=log now prints progress to log instead of stderr
- CHANGED: Enum.parseLenient replaced by NOptional
- CHANGED: Rename NConstants.IdProperties.DESKTOP_ENVIRONMENT -> NConstants.IdProperties.DESKTOP
- CHANGED: Now NWorkspaceOptionsBuilder extends NWorkspaceOptions
- CHANGED: Rename NRepositoryDB::getRepositoryNameByURL -> NRepositoryDB::getRepositoryNameByLocation
- CHANGED: Rename NRepositoryDB::getRepositoryURLByName -> NRepositoryDB::getRepositoryLocationByName
- CHANGED: Change type to long in NExecCmd::getSleepMillis()/setSleepMillis(int sleepMillis);
- CHANGED: complete rewrite of NTF parser
- CHANGED: classes refactored to be repackaged in inner packages
- REMOVED: Remove session dependency from NVersion,NId and NDescriptor
- REMOVED: Remove NBootOptions
- REMOVED: removed CoreNumberUtils
- REMOVED: NMessageFormatted
Version released
Publishing 0.8.3 version
View Official releases here : Starred releases are most stable ones.
2022-02-01 nuts
released nuts-runtime- UPDATED : move support to repositories "nuts-public" and "nuts-preview"
- FIXED : Updated README
FIXED : runtime Fixed problem with dependency resolution whit maven's "import" scope
- ROLLBACK : Rolled back test on maven-local
- FIXED : Fixed nuts api without changing the version and without breaking the API, changes will be promoted to next version later
- UPDATED : Updated .gitignore
- FIXED : Fixed Help files
FIXED : Changed $ by $@- FIXED : Fixed NAF support in ncode
- UPDATED : Updated TEST
- FIXED : Fixed display of URL paths
- PERF : Optimize Maven Dependency Resolver
- FIXED : Fix reinstall so that it calls uninstaller component
- FIXED : Fix recommendation connector API
- FIXED : Fix Class Name resolution when using CGLIB
- FIXED : Call clearLine before Progress
- FIXED : Call resetLine before Log
2021-01-05 nuts (*)
released download nuts-0.8.3.jarWARNING : api API has evolved with incompatibilities with previous versions
ADDED : runtime now search --dry displays the search query plan
ADDED : api added command "settings install-log" to display installation logs
ADDED : api added NutsExpr to help parsing simple expressions (used or will be used in almost all commands)
CHANGED : api Simplified API
ADDED : api added NutsDescriptorFlag to match multiple descriptor info such as app, executable etc.
ADDED : api added NutsIOCopyAction.setSource(byte[]) and NutsIOHashAction.setSource(byte[])
ADDED : api removed NutsId.compatFilter and NutsVersion.compatFilter and replaced by compatNewer/compatOlder
ADDED : api replaced string messages with NutsMessage in NutsLogger
ADDED : api removed 'NutsInput' and 'NutsOutput'
ADDED : api removed 'NutsCommandlineFamily' and replaced by 'NutsShellFamily'
ADDED : api added 'NutsBootTerminal' to help nuts bootstrap using custom stdin/out end err
CHANGED : api added 'NutsHomeLocation' to replace compound key NutsOSFamily and NutsStoreLocation
ADDED : api added 'NutsPath.isDirectory' and 'NutsPath.isRegularFile'
CHANGED : api removed commandline options '-C' and '--no-color', you can use '--!color' instead
CHANGED : api removed commandline options '--no-switch' and '--no-progress', you can use '--!switch' and '--!progress' instead
CHANGED : api NutsResultList renamed to NutsStream and revamped with handy stream features and added ws.util.streamOf(...)
CHANGED : api replaced by NutsPath.builder.setExpanded(true)
REMOVED : api removed deprecated ClassifierMapping
REMOVED : api removed NutsTokenFilter (little to no interest)
REMOVED : api removed deprecated feature inheritedLog
ADDED : api NutsVal, a simple wrapper for strings and objects with helpful converters used in args, env, options and properties.
CHANGED : api changed descriptor to add maven profiles support, mainly added platform for dependency and added os/platform etc to property
ADDED : api added NutsShellFamily to support bash, csh, and other shell families
ADDED : pom add Manifest Entry 'Automatic-Module-Name' in all projects to support j9+ module technology
FIXED : impl NutsFormat now creates any missing parent folder when calling print(Path/File) or println(Path/File)
Version released
Publishing version
View Official releases here : Starred releases are most stable ones.
2021-09-04 nuts (*)
released download nuts-0.8.2.jar- WARNING: API has evolved with multiple incompatibilities with previous versions
- FIXED: Fixed problem that requires reinstalling nuts each time we have a new version
- FIXED: Fixed some Documentation issues (still fixing)
Version released
Publishing version
View Official releases here : Starred releases are most stable ones.
2021-08-24 nuts (*)
released download nuts-0.8.1.jar- WARNING: API has evolved with multiple incompatibilities with previous versions
ADDED: api added static methods of() in interfaces to simplify instantiation
ADDED: api parseLenient to all NutsEnum classes
CHANGED: nadmin removed nadmin and merged into runtime (tight coupling!!)
REMOVED: api removed session.formatObject() as the session is now propagated silently
CHANGED: api removed NutsApplicationLifeCycle and replaced with NutsApplication (an interface instead of a class)
ADDED : api added support for parsing pom.xml (MAVEN) along with .nuts (nuts descriptors)- ADDED : api added io killProcess support
CHANGED: api added path API, implemented via nlib-ssh to add ssh support for paths
CHANGED: all remove dependencies, runtime has no dependencies, and others have the bare minimum
CHANGED: api session is from now on mandatory to perform any operation. A simple way to make it simple to use is to get a "session aware" workspace with session.getWorkspace()
ADDED : api added support for Yaml with minimal implementation
ADDED : api element now supports complex keys in Map Entries (Objects)
ADDED : api cmdline added support for History and implemented in JLine extension
ADDED : api cmdline added support for readline syntax coloring (using jline)
ADDED : api cmdline added --locale option to support multi languages. The option is reflected to Session as well
ADDED : api cmdline added ---key=value options to support extra properties
ADDED : api cmdline added -S short option, equivalent to --standalone
ADDED : api cmdline added NutsFormattedMessage to support formatted messages in a uniform manner (C-style, positional)
CHANGED: api cmdline both list and tree dependencies are now accessible as NutsDependencies
ADDED : runtime added support to community maven repositories : jcenter, jboss, spring, clojars, atlassian, atlassian-snapshot, google, oracle to use the repository you can add it as a permanent repository or temporary. here are some examples:
- nuts nadmin add repository jcenter // add permanently the repository
- nuts -r jcenter my-command // use temporarily the repository top run my-command
FIXED : runtime extension support (for JLine)
ADDED : runtime added minimal implementation for YAM
ADDED : runtime added fast implementation for JSON and removed gson dependency
CHANGED: runtime revamped Nuts Text Format to support simplified syntax but more verbose styles. Now supports #), ##), ###) and so on as Title Nodes. It supports as well the common markdown 'code' format with anti-quotes such as
code goes here...
Other supported examples are: some command...
error message...
CHANGED: runtime help files now have extensions ".ntf" (for nuts text format) instead of ".help"
ADDED : njob added --help sub-command
FIXED : nsh fixed multiple inconsistencies and implemented a brand new parser
REMOVED: docusaurus-to-ascidoctor tool fully removed as replaced by a more mature ndocusaurus
REMOVED: ndi, removed project, merged into nadmin
REMOVED: nded, removed project, temporarily code added to nadmin, needs to be refactored
ADDED : ntalk-agent new modules nlib-talk-agent (library) and ntalk-agent (application using the library) that enable client to client communication. nlib-talk-agent is a broker that helps communication between nuts components with minimum overhead. nlib-talk-agent enables one workspace to talk with any other workspace without having to create one server socket for each workspace. It also enables singleton per location implementation
Version released
Publishing version
View Official releases here : Starred releases are most stable ones.
2020-11-08? nuts (*)
released download nuts-0.8.0.jar- WARNING: this is the first version to be deployed to maven central. previous versions will no longer be supported
WARNING: this is a major version, API has evolved with multiple incompatibilities with previous versions
- WARNING: The OSS License has changed from GPL3 to the more permessive Apache Licence v2.0
- CHANGED: changed packages from net.vpc to net.thevpc (required for central to be aligned with website)
- CHANGED: removed support for vpc-public-maven and vpc-public-nuts
will update.bashrc
file and switch back to default workspace- ADDED : when a dependency is missing it will be shown in the error message
ADDED : nuts commandline argument --N (--expire) to force reloading invoked artifacts (expire fetched jars). a related NSession.expireTime is introduced to force reinstall of any launched application and it dependencies, example:
-N ndi
- ADDED : install --strategy=install|reinstall|require|repair introduced to select install strategy (or sub command)
- ADDED : NutsInput & NutsOutput to help considering reusable sources/targets
- ADDED : nuts commandline argument --skip-errors to ignore unsupported commandline args
- ADDED : new toolbox njob, to track service jobs (how many hours you are working on each service project)
- ADDED : new next-term, to support jline console extension into nuts
- ADDED : workspace.str() to create NutsStringBuilder
ADDED : 'switch' command in ndi to support switching from one workspace to another. example :
switch -w other-workspace -a 0.8.0
Version released
Publishing version
View Official releases here : Starred releases are most stable ones.
WARNING: this version is not deployed to maven-central2020-09-23 nuts (*)
released download nuts-0.7.2.jar- FIXED : execute non installed artifacts sometimes do not ask for confirmation
- ADDED : NutsCommandLineProcessor.prepare/exec/autoComplete
- ADDED : NutsApplicationContext.processCommandLine(cmdLine)
- ADDED : NutsApplicationContext.configureLast(cmdLine)
- RENAMED: feenoo renamed to ncode
- ADDED : Docusaurus Website
- ADDED : new toolbox ndocusaurus : Docusaurus Website templating
WARNING: this version is not deployed to maven-central2020-09-14 nuts (*)
released download nuts-0.7.1.jar- FIXED : reset stdout line when calling external processes
- FIXED : fixed several display issues.
WARNING: this version is not deployed to maven-central2020-07-26 nuts (*)
released download nuts-0.7.0.jar- ADDED : NutsApplicationContext.processCommandLine(c)
- ADDED : NutsWorkspaceCommand.copySession()
- RENAMED: derby renamed to nderby
- RENAMED: mysql renamed to nmysql
- RENAMED: tomcat renamed to ntomcat
- RENAMED: mvn renamed to nmvn
Version released
View Official releases here : Starred releases are most stable ones.
WARNING: this version is not deployed to maven-central2020-01-15 nuts (*)
released download nuts-0.6.0.jar- CHANGED : config file format changed
- CHANGED : now installed packages are stored in 'installed' meta repository
CHANGED : alias files have extension changed form .njc to .cmd-alias.json
- CHANGED : now nuts looks for system env variable NUTS_WORKSPACE for default workspace location
- CHANGED : api and runtime are installed by default
- CHANGED : now distinguishes between installed primary and installed dependencies packages.
- ADDED : support for ROOT_CMD execution (SYSCALL was renamed USER_CMD)
- ADDED : support for Interrupting Copy
- ADDED : support to ps (list processes)
- ADDED : support progress options
- CHANGED : worky, searches now for modified deployments with same version but different content
- FIXED : encoding problem with json/xml
- REMOVED : NutsRepositorySession
Version released
WARNING: this version is not deployed to maven-central2019-09-02 nuts (*)
released download nuts-0.5.8.jar## nuts WARNING: this version is not deployed to maven-central2019-07-23 nuts (*)
released download nuts-0.5.7.jar## nuts WARNING: this version is not deployed to maven-central2019-06-23 nuts
released download nuts-0.5.6.jar## nuts WARNING: this version is not deployed to maven-central2019-06-08 nuts
released download nuts-0.5.5.jar## nuts Change Log WARNING: this version is not deployed to maven-central2019-04-21 nuts (*)
released download nuts-0.5.4.jar## nuts Change Log WARNING: this version is not deployed to maven-central2019-01-05 nuts
released download nuts-0.5.3.jar## nuts Change Log WARNING: this version is not deployed to maven-central2018-12-28 nuts
released download nuts-0.5.2.jar ## nuts Change Log WARNING: this version is not deployed to maven-central2018-12-18 nuts released
download nuts-0.5.1.jar## nuts Change Log WARNING: this version is not deployed to maven-central2018-11-25 nuts released
download nuts-0.5.0.jar- Very first published version. older ones were used internally for internal projects only.
Publishing the first version of Nuts website